Di Capua G. and Oosterbeek L. (2023). Bridges to Global Ethics: Geoethics at the Confluence of Humanities and Sciences. Springer, Cham, VII+115 pp., ISBN 978-3031222221. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22223-8.
About this book:
This book contributes to the current discussion on geoethics and global ethics within the geoscience and humanities communities. It provides new content and insights into developing convergent human actions in response to global anthropogenic changes, based on perspectives that make it possible to combine geoscience knowledge with humanities and social sciences approaches. Selected authors present their reflections, findings and insights regarding the vision of geoethics (ethics of responsibility towards the Earth) as global ethics from philosophical, humanities and social sciences perspectives. In addition, they discuss ethical frameworks from diverse cultural traditions, searching for points of intersection with geoethics.
The goal: for global environmental problems to be managed via multi-perspective approaches that can more effectively accommodate complexity. Combining the strengths of the geosciences, humanities and social sciences can pave the way for a paradigm shift in how human societies develop adaptive, sustainable responses to environmental changes and societal inequalities.
- Provides a confluence of authors with different disciplinary backgrounds.
- Deals with crucial topics for facing global anthropogenic changes.
- Focuses on new areas of reflection around modernity.
Table of contents (8 chapters):
Front Matter (Pages i-vii) - open access
Introduction to the Book “Bridges to Global Ethics” (Giuseppe Di Capua, Luiz Oosterbeek) (Pages 1-3)
Geoethics for Redefining Human-Earth System Nexus (Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua) (Pages 5-23)
The Sustainable and the Unsustainable: What is a Habitable Planet? (Tanella Boni) (Pages 25-40)
Geology and Knowledge Culture (Robert Frodeman) (Pages 41-53)
The Ethics of Gaia: Geoethics From an Evolutionary Perspective (Sofia Belardinelli, Telmo Pievani) (Pages 55-72)
Materialities, Perceptions and Ethics (Harold P. Sjursen, Luiz Oosterbeek) (Pages 73-92)
Affirmative Ethics, New Materialism and the Posthuman Convergence (Rosi Braidotti) (Pages 93-108)
Epilogue (Torbjörn Lodén) (Pages 109-115)
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IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics: