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IAPG maintains relationships with other Associations, Organizations, Institutions. IAPG is affiliated or has agreements for collaboration with some of them.
AAWG logo

AAWG - Association of Women in Geosciences

AAWG and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 18 September 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics. In particular, the aim of the agreement is to promote co-ordinated events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and initiatives enhancing the role of women scientists in geosciences.

AEG logo

AEG - American Geosciences Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists

AEG and IAPG  signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 8 October 2015. The aim of the agreement is to promote co-ordinated initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society.

AGN logo

AGN - African Geoparks Network

AGI logo

AGI - American Geosciences Institute

IAPG is recognized as an International Associate Organization of American Geosciences Institute (AGI) from 2014.

AGU logo

AGU - American Geophysical Union

AGU and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10 November 2015, renewed on 2 January 2018. The aim of the agreement is to develop a co-ordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community.

IAPG is Partner of the AGU Ethics & Equity Center.

AGU Ethics and Equity Center logo
ANGE logo

ANGE - African Network for Geo-Education

ANGE and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 19 February 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and geosciences education.

APG logo

APG - Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos

APG and IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 13 July 2020. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics.


ASAGAI - Asociación Argentina de Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería
ASAGAI and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 25 October 2022. The MoA expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of ethics in Geoscience.

BDG logo

BDG - Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V.

BDG and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 12 April 2019. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of ethics in Geoscience.

CFES logo

CFES - Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences

IAPG is recognized as an Observer Organization of the CFES - Canadian Federation fo Earth Sciences from 2018. IAPG-Canada represents IAPG in the CFES Council Meetings.

CIPSH logo

CIPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences
IAPG became a member organisation of the ICPHS - International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences on 6 August 2017, during the ICPHS General Assembly in Liège (Belgium).

EFG logo

EFG - European Federation of Geologists

EFG and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 12 December 2014. The EFG and the IAPG shall collaborate in defining ethical problems, also through case-studies, affecting professional geologists, and in promoting geoethical principles and best practices in geosciences among their networks.

EuroGeoSurveys logo

EGS - EuroGeoSurveys

EGS and IAPG signed an Agreement of Collaboration on 26 March 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics.

FCEA logo

FCEA - Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment

FCEA and IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 21 May 2018. The Agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and climate engineering. In particular, IAPG and FCEA will promote the discussion about topics related to social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering” or "climate intervention").

Geoscientists Canada logo

GC - Geoscientists Canada/Géoscientifiques Canada

GC and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22 September 2018. The MoU expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of ethics in geoscience, in particular in the promotion of principles of ethics, research integrity, and professional ethical deontology in geoscience activities among their networks, and on the definition of ethical issues, with accompanying case-studies, where appropriate, affecting the geoscience community and organizations.

GEVAS logo

GEVAS Red Argentina

GEVAS Red Argentina and IAPG signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 4 January 2016. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to promote coordinated activities and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and initiatives enhancing the application of geoethics to the study and management of geohazards and to their impact on society, environment and human health.

GfGD logo

GfGD - Geology for Global Development

GfGD and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 24 May 2017 to collaborate in the promotion of geoethics as an important consideration for all geoscientists, particularly emphasizing the role of geoethics in delivering sustainable development in low-income countries.

GIRAF logo

GIRAF - Geoscience Information in Africa Network

IAPG is recognized as an Associated Organisation of the Geoscience Information in Africa - Network (GIRAF) from 2015.

GSA logo

GSA - The Geological Society of America

IAPG is recognized as an Associate Society of the Geological Society of America (GSA) from 2015.

GSAf logo

GSAf - Geological Society of Africa

IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 19 November 2020. The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Africa.

GSL logo

GSL - Geological Society of London

IAPG is recognized as an Affilated Society of the Geological Society of London (GSL) from 2015.

GSU logo

GSU - Geological Society of Uganda
GSU and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 1 December 2022. The MoA expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics.

IAEG logo

IAEG - International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment

IAEG and IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 25 March 2016. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of engineering geology and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society.

IAGD logo

IAGD - International Association for Geoscience Diversity

IAG logo

IAG - International Association of Geomorphologists

IAG and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 10 April 2019. The aim of the MoU is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geomorphology, and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geomorphologists’ community in order to better serving the Society.

IAH logo

IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists

IAEG and IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 5 April 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote the involvement of their members in discussion on ethical and social implications in the exploitation and use of georesources, with specific attention to groundwater.

I-GEMA logo

I-GEMA - Instituto de Geociencias Y Medio Ambiente, Arequipa-Perù

I-GEMA and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 1 December 2018. The aim of the memorandum of agreement is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve society.

IGEO logo

IGEO - International Geoscience Education Organisation

IGEO and IAPG signed an Agreement of Co-operation on 20 May 2015. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and geoscience education.

IUGS logo

IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences

IAPG is affilated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) from 2013.


IUGS-IFG - Initiative on Forensic Geology
IUGS-IFG and IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 7 April 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote the involvement of their members in the discussion on ethical and social implications of forensic geology.


IUGS-TGGGP - Task Group on Global Geoscience Professionalism of the IUGS
IAPG is a collaborative organization of the IUGS - Task Group on Global Geoscience Professionalism from 2013
This Task Group is no longer active.

IUSS logo

IUSS - International Union of Soil Sciences
IUSS and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12-16 May 2023. IUSS and IAPG will use their best effort to promote the formal co-operation by obtaining the necessary support for envisaged activities. The partnership generally aims at developing new knowledge, sharing experiences, and distributing knowledge and skills for the benefit of the whole world.

IYGU logo

IYGU - International Year of Global Understanding

IAPG is a global partner of the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) from 2016.

TMMOB logo

JMO - Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası (Turkish Chamber of Geological Engineers)

The JMO and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 12 January 2021. The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Turkey.

MJD logo

MJD - Maden Jeologları Derneği (Turkish Association of Economic Geologists)

The MJD and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 1 December 2020. The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Turkey.

RFG2018 logo

RFG 2018 - Resourcing Future Generations conference

IAPG is technical partner of the RFG 2018 conference from 2016.

RIES logo

RIES - Research Institute for Earth Sciences – Geological Survey of Iran
RIES and IAPG signed a 
Memorandum of Understanding on 26 January 2023. The aim of the MoU is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, with a focus on coastal geo-hazard analysis, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

SAAWG logo

SAAWG - South Asian Association of Women Geoscientists

SGCh logo

SGCh - Sociedad Geológica de Chile (Geological Society of Chile)

The SGCh and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 15 July 2020. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events of common interest.

IAPG-Chile section is recognized as the Geoethics Group of the Geological Society of Chile from 2020.

SGI logo

SGI - Società Geologica Italiana (Italian Geological Society)

IAPG-Italy section is recognized as the Section of Geoethics and Geological Culture of the Italian Geological Society from 2012.

SGP logo

SGP - Sociedad Geológica del Perú (Geological Society of Peru)

The SGP and the IAPG signed an Agreement for Cooperation on 3 July 2017. The aim of the agreement is to promote a co-ordinated policy for promoting initiatives and events of common interest.

CCGHA logo

UCCGHA - UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis
UCCGHA and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 26 January 2023. The aim of the MoU is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, with a focus on coastal geo-hazard analysis, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

UGM logo

UGM - Unión Geofísica Mexicana A.C.
UGM and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 7 May 2024. The aim of the MoA is to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geosciences to better serve the geosciences community and society as a whole.

YES Network logo

YES - International Network of Young and Early-Career Geoscientists
YES Network and IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 5 February 2018. The aim of the MoU is to develop a co-ordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and favouring the adoption of ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience community in order to better serving the Society.

WCRI logo

WCRI - World Conferences on Research Integrity

The Water Ethics Network logo

WEN - The Water Ethics Network


WOMEESA - Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in AustralasiaWOMEESA and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 15 August 2023, to develop a coordinated approach, where appropriate, for promoting initiatives and events on gender diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences, as well as on the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geosciences, and favoring high ethical standards in the research and practice of geoscience in order to better serve the geoscience community and society as a whole.

All rights reserved © 2015-2025

International Association for Promoting Geoethics

Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome (Italy) |

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