Articles/Book chapters on Geoethics
Di Capua G. and Peppoloni S. (2025)
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 2(Special Issue), 1–20.
Bellaubi Fava F. (2024)
Geoethics in the Theological Perspective: Beatitudes, Human Rights and Human-Geosphere Intersections
Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 1(1), 1–23.
Peppoloni S. e Di Capua G. (2024)
La geoetica per riscrivere il complesso sistema di relazioni dell’umano
In: Giacobello M.L. (a cura di), Complessità ed Ecoetica, pp. 147-188, Armando Siciliano Editore
Abrunhosa M., Chambel A., Peppoloni S., Ferraz de Matos P., Aragão A., Petitta M. & Chaminé H.I. (2024)
Water resources management for a sustainable nexus of hydrogeoethics and societal well-being
Sustainable Water Resources Management, 10:97, 1–4.
Chan M.A. and Mogk D.W. (2023)
Establishing an Ethic of Sampling for Future Generations of Geoscientists
GSA Today, 33(8), 16–18.
Gerbaudo A. and Tonon M.D. (2023)
Words as stones for a geoethical glossary
Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 1(1), 1–23.
Peppoloni S., Woo G., Martí J., and Di Capua G. (2023)
Geoethics: The Missing Piece in the Separation of Responsibility Between Volcanologists and Decision-Makers
In Malheiro A., Fernandes F., Chaminé H.I. (Eds.), Advances in Natural Hazards and Volcanic Risks: Shaping a Sustainable Future. NATHAZ 2022. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham, 19-23.
Peppoloni S. (2023)
Geoethics to Face Natural Risks by Improving Societal Resilience
In Malheiro A., Fernandes F., Chaminé H.I. (Eds.), Advances in Natural Hazards and Volcanic Risks: Shaping a Sustainable Future. NATHAZ 2022. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham, 3-8.
Kernen R., Amos K., Abu C., Allen J., Ahmed S., Birgenheier L., Frank-Collins J., George T., Gomez K., Haagsma A., Hart-Wagoner N., López Vega A., Onwumelu C. and Rysak B. (2023)
Creating and promoting gender equity and diversity in professional geological societies: A focus on AAPG
Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 1(1), 1–31.
Canseco R. and Bellaubi Fava F. (2022)
Application of geoethics to university education based on a mining geoethical dilemma case study in the Catalonian Potassic Basin (Spain)
Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 1(1), 1–37.
Marjanović M., Radivojević A.R., Antić A., Peppoloni S., Di Capua G., Lazarević J., Marković R.S., Tomić N., Milićević A.L., Langović Z., Mišić I. and Marković S.B. (2022)
Geotourism and geoethics as support for rural development in the Knjaževac municipality, Serbia
Open Geosciences, 14(1), 794-812.
Jouini M., Royer-Lavallée A., Pabst T., Chung E., Kim R., Cheong Y.-W. and Neculita C.M. (2022)
Sustainable Production of Rare Earth Elements from Mine Waste and Geoethics
Minerals, 12(7), 809.
Procesi M., Di Capua G., Peppoloni S., Corirossi M. and Valentinelli A. (2022)
Science and Citizen Collaboration as Good Example of Geoethics for Recovering a Natural Site in the Urban Area of Rome (Italy)
Sustainability, 14(8), 4429.
Bohle M. and Marone E. (2022)
Phronesis at the Human-Earth Nexus: Managed Retreat
Frontiers in Political Science.
Handl S., Calheiros C.S.C., Fiebig M. and Langergraber G. (2022)
Educational Resources for Geoethical Aspects of Water Management
Geosciences, 12(2), 80.
Di Capua G., Bohle M., Hildebrandt D., Marone E., Peppoloni S., Schneider S. (2022)
Push for ethical practices in geoscience fieldwork
Nature, 601, 26.
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Geoetica: un’etica per la relazione tra gli esseri umani e la terra
(Geoethics: an ethics for the relationship between humans and the Earth)
The Future of Science and Ethics, 6, 42-53.
Ribeiro T., Lima L. and Vasconcelos C. (2021)
The need for transparent communication in mining: a case study in lithium exploitation
International Journal of Science Education, Part B.
Chaminé H.I., Abrunhosa M., Barbieri M., Naves A., Errami E., Aragão A. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Hydrogeoethics in sustainable water resources management facing water scarcity in Mediterranean and surrounding regions
Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews.
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics
In: Bohle M. and Marone E. (eds), Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 17-28.
Bohle M. (2021)
A geo‑ethical logic for citizens and geoscientists
Sustainable Water Resources Management, 7, 85,
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Geoethics to Start Up a Pedagogical and Political Path towards Future Sustainable Societies
Sustainability, 13(18), 10024,
DeMiguel D., Brilha J., Alegret L., Arenillas I., Arz J.A., Gilabert V., Strani F., Valenciano A., Villas E. and Azanza B. (2021)
Linking geological heritage and geoethics with a particular emphasis on palaeontological heritage: the new concept of ‘palaeontoethics’
Geoheritage, 13, 69,
Georgousis E., Savelides S., Mosios S., Holokolos M.-V., Drinia H. (2021)
The Need for Geoethical Awareness: The Importance of Geoenvironmental Education in Geoheritage Understanding in the Case of Meteora Geomorphes, Greece
Sustainability, 13(12), 6626,
Conversi D. (2021)
Exemplary Ethical Communities. A New Concept for a Livable Anthropocene
Sustainability, 13(10), 5582;
Bellaubi F., Mallarach J.M. and Sardá R. (2021)
A Geoethical Approach to Unlock a Social-Ecological Governance Problem: The Case of the Tordera River (Catalonia, Spain)
Sustainability, 13(8), 4253;
Ayeh D. and Bleicher A. (2021)
One concept fits it all? On the relationship between geoethics and responsible mining
Extractive Industries and Society, 8(3), 100934.
Bohle M. and Marone E. (2021)
Geoethics, a Branding for Sustainable Practices
Sustainability, 13(2), 895,
Bohle M., Peppoloni S., and Marone E. (2020)
Viewing Earth and World through the Geoethical Lens
Human Futures, Issue 2, 28-29,
Drąsutė V., Corradi S., Peppoloni S., Di Capua G. (2020)
Geoethics and New Medias: Sharing Knowledge and Values
In: 10th The Future of Education International Conference – Virtual, Conference Proceedings, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna,
Marone E. and Bohle M. (2020)
Geoethics for Nudging Human Practices in Times of Pandemics
Sustainability, 12(18), 7271,
Antić A., Peppoloni S., Di Capua G. (2020)
Applying the Values of Geoethics for Sustainable Speleotourism Development
Geoheritage, 12(3):73, 1-9,
Abbott D.M. Jr. (2020)
Natural Resources and Sustainability: Geoethics Fundamentals and Reality
The Professional Geologist, 57(4), 19-25
Bellaubi F., Mallarach J.M., and Sardá R. (2020)
A geoethical approach to the governance of social-ecological systems: the case of Delta del Tordera (Cataluna)
Actas XI Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua, 787–800
Mogk D.W. and Bruckner M.Z. (2020)
Geoethics training in the Earth and environmental sciences
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1, 81–83,
Peppoloni S., Bilham N., and Di Capua G. (2019)
Contemporary Geoethics within Geosciences
Chapter 2, in: Bohle Martin (Ed.), Exploring Geoethics - Ethical Implications, Societal Contexts, and Professional Obligations of the Geosciences. Authors: Bohle Martin, Peppoloni Silvia, Di Capua Giuseppe, Bilham Nic, Marone Eduardo, Rika Preiser, 2019, Palgrave Pivot, Cham, XIV + 214, ISBN 978-3-030-12009-2.
Careddu N., Di Capua G., and Siotto G. (2019)
Dimension stone industry should meet the fundamental values of geoethics
Resources Policy, 63, 101468; doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.101468
Bohle M. and Bilham N. (2019)
The ‘Anthropocene Proposal’: A Possible Quandary and A Work-Around
Quaternary, 2, 19; doi: 10.3390/quat2020019
Bohle M., Nauen C.E., and Marone E. (2019)
Ethics to Intersect Civic Participation and Formal Guidance
Sustainability, 11, 773, doi: 10.3390/su11030773
Scott E. Foss (2019)
Geoethics in the Field: Leading by Example
Earth, 8, 8-10
Barbier M., Reitz A., Pabortsava K., Wölfl A.-C., Hahn T., and Whoriskey F. (2018)
Ethical recommendations for ocean observation
Advances in Geosciences, 45, 343–361, doi: 10.5194/adgeo-45-343-2018
Arattano M., Peppoloni S., Gatti A. (2018)
The ethical duty to divulge geosciences and the improvement of communication skills to fufil it
Episodes, 2018, vol. 41, n. 2, pp. 97-103
Bohle M. (2018)
One Realm: Thinking Geoethically and Guiding Small-Scale Fisheries?
The European Journal of Development Research, Online first
Bobrowsky P., V.S. Cronin, G. Di Capua, S.W. Kieffer, S. Peppoloni (2017)
The Emerging Field of Geoethics
In: Gundersen Linda C. (Ed.). Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences, 2017, p. 336, American Geophysical Union, Wiley, ISBN 978-1-119-06778-8
Stewart I.S. and Gill J.C. (2017)
Social geology — integrating sustainability concepts into Earth sciences
Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. 128, Issue 2, April 2017, Pages 165–172
Meller C., Schillb E., Bremer J., Kolditz O., Bleicher A., Benighaus C., Chavot P., Gross M., Pellizzone A., Renn O., Schilling F., Kohl T. (2017)
Acceptability of geothermal installations: A geoethical concept for GeoLaB
Geothermics, Available online 14 August 2017,
Mansur K.L., Ponciano L. C.M.O., De Castro A. R.S.F. (2017)
Contributions to a Brazilian Code of Conduct for Fieldwork in Geology: an approach based on Geoconservation and Geoethics
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences), vol. 89, no. 1, supl. 0, 431-444,
Kholoud Abdel Maksoud, Nada Abdel-Hak and Mohamed Galal (2017)
Culture Impact on the Term Geo-ethics in Egypt
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering 2, 70-75. DOI: 10.17265/2328-2193/2017.02.003
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2016)
Geoethics: Ethical, social, and cultural values in geosciences research, practice, and education
pp. 17-21. DOI: 10.1130/2016.2520(03)
In: Wessel, G.R., and Greenberg, J.K., eds., Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future: Geological Society of America Special Paper 520, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-8137-2520-8
Bohle M. (2016)
Handling of Human-Geosphere Intersections
Geosciences 6, no. 1: 3
Vasconcelos C., Torres J., Vasconcelos L., Moutinho S. (2016)
Sustainable Development and its Connection to Teaching Geoethics
Episodes, 2014, vol. 39, n. 3, pp. 509-517
Oboni F. and Oboni C. (2016)
The Long Shadow of Human‐Generated Geohazards: Risks and Crises
In: Arvin Farid (ed.), Geohazards Caused by Human Activity, ISBN 978-953-51-2802-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2801-4, 150 pages, Publisher: InTech
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2015)
The Meaning of Geoethics
Chapter 1, pp. 3-14. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-799935-7.00001-0
In: Wyss M. and Peppoloni S. (Eds). Geoethics: Ethical challenges and case studies in Earth Sciences, 2015, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0127999357
Peppoloni S. (2015)
Geoethics: A framework for the management of the geosphere and geo-risks
In: J. Marino and S. Villacorta (Eds.), Libro de Resumenes - Foro Internacional sobre Gestion del Riesgo Geologico, Arequipa, Peru. October 2015, pp. 259-263
Peppoloni S., Bobrowsky P., Di Capua G. (2015)
Geoethics: A Challenge for Research Integrity in Geosciences
pp. 287-294, DOI: 10.1142/9789814632393_0035
In: Steneck N., Anderson M., Kleinert S., Mayer T. (Eds.). Integrity in the Global Research Arena. May 2015, 336 pp., World Scientific Publishing Co, ISBN: 978-981-4632-38-6
Guzzetti F. (2015)
Forecasting natural hazards, performance of scientists, ethics, and the need for transparency
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2015.1030664
Di Capua G. and Peppoloni S. (2014)
Geoethical Aspects in the Natural Hazards Management
pp. 59-62, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09303-1_11
In: G. Lollino et al. (eds.). Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 7, Springer International Publishing Switzerland
Matteucci R., Gosso G., Peppoloni S., Piacente S., Wasowski J. (2014)
The Geoethical Promise: A Proposal
Episodes, 2014, vol. 37, n. 3, pp. 190-191
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2012)
Geoethics and geological culture: awareness, responsibility and challenges
pp. 335-341, DOI: 10.4401/ag-6099
In: Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (eds.). Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011, Annals of Geophysics, Special Issue, 55, 3