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General Assembly
The General Assembly is composed of all the members of IAPG. It will be convened by the Executive Council (EC), chaired by the IAPG President or, in the case of incapacity of the President to participate, by one of the Vice-Presidents designated by the EC. The Secretary General will draw up the Agenda. The GA meets every four years during the IGC - International Geological Congress. An extraordinary session may be called on the occasion of scientific meetings, upon request of at least one third of the members and at least half of the members of the EC.
2nd General Assembly
(Busan, South Korea, 30 August 2024, 37th IGC)
Venue: Busan Youth Hostel Arpina - Nuri Hall
Date: 30 August 2024, 10:00-12:00 (South Korea time)
Agenda (click here)
2nd General Assembly
(Delhi, India, 2-8 March 2020, 36th IGC)
Postponed to the 37th IGC in Busan, 2024

1st General Assembly
(Cape Town, South Africa, 31 August 2016, 35th IGC)
Download the minutes (pdf file)

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