Documents and online resources
on topics of interest for geoethics

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Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
("This Recommendation addresses ethical issues related to the domain of Artificial Intelligence to the extent that they are within UNESCO’s mandate. It approaches AI ethics as a systematic normative reflection, based on a holistic, comprehensive, multicultural and evolving framework of interdependent values, principles and actions that can guide societies in dealing responsibly with the known and unknown impacts of AI technologies on human beings, societies and the environment and ecosystems, and offers them a basis to accept or reject AI technologies. It considers ethics as a dynamic basis for the normative evaluation and guidance of AI technologies, referring to human dignity, well-being and the prevention of harm as a compass and as rooted in the ethics of science and technology")
2023 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector
(The 2023 State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector is a collaboration between the World Bank’s Extractives Global Programmatic Support Multi-Donor Trust Fund (EGPS) and Pact)
World Bank 2023
The Global Risks Report 2023
(Insight Report, 18th Edition. In partnership with Marsh & McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group)
World Economic Forum, 2023
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]
February, 2022
The Jena Declaration
Cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability
UNESCO-Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability (University of Jena, Germany)
March, 2021
The Global Risks Report 2022
(Insight Report, 17th Edition. In partnership with Marsh & McLennan, SK Group and Zurich Insurance Group)
World Economic Forum, 2022
Biodiversity and Climate Change
Scientific Outcome of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop
June 2021
In the Section 4.2 "Human and Social Dimensions" (page 49) you can read the following sentences, that include also the definition of geoethics by IAPG:
"Ethical behaviour with respect to nature (“geoethics”) is at the core of several discussions regarding adaptation. The values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices wherever human activities interact with the Earth system play an important role in the awareness of society regarding problems with biodiversity and NCP. Ethical, social, and cultural implications of both scientific knowledge and humankind’s role as an active geological force on the planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies need to be addressed in every plan of action (Bobrowsky et al., 2017). This includes equity issues linked to biodiversity related interventions. These are often not distributionally neutral and have equity implications both within and between generations."
The paper on geoethics cited in the document is:
Bobrowsky, P., Cronin, V. S., Di Capua, G., Kieffer, S. W., & Peppoloni, S. (2017). The emerging field of geoethics. Sci. Integr. Ethics Geosci, 73, 175.
This paper can be read here:
Lisbon Declaration on Humanities, Open Research and Innovation
Result of the European Humanities Conference 2021
Lisbon, 7 May 2021
Guidelines for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas
(by Crofts R., Gordon J.E., Brilha J., Gray M., Gunn J., Larwood J., Santucci V.L., Tormey D., and Worboys G.L.)
Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 31. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. ISBN 978-2-8317-2079-1, doi:10.2305/IUCN.CH.2020.PAG.31.en.
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 2020
Promoting Gender Diversity and Inclusion in the Oil, Gas and Mining Extractive Industries
A Women’s Human Rights Report
(by R. Park, B. Metzger, and L. Foreman)
The Advocates for Human Rights, January 2019
Global Research Report
Research Integrity: Understanding our shared responsibility for a sustainable scholarly ecosystem
(by Szomszor M. and Quaderi N.)
Institute for Scientific Information, October 2020
White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe
(by Sanz F.S., Holocher-Ertl T., Kieslinger B., Sanz García F. and Silva C.G.)
European Commission, 2014
Sorbonne Declaration on Research Data Rights
(Association of American Universities (AAU), African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), Coordination of French Research-Intensive Universities (CURIF), German U15, League of European Research Universities (LERU), RU11 Japan, Russell Group, The Group of Eight (Go8), U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities)
27 January 2020
The Global Risks Report 2020
(Insight Report, 15th Edition. In partnership with Marsh & McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group)
World Economic Forum, 2020
Land Restoration for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
(United Nations - Environment, International Resource Panel)
United Nations, 2019
Global Sustainable Development Report 2019
(Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the Secretary-General, Global Sustainable Development Report 2019: The Future is Now – Science for Achieving Sustainable Development, (United Nations, New York, 2019))
United Nations, 2019
Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region
(Borgomeo, E.; Santos, N. [2019]. Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 124p. doi: 10.5337/2019.207)
Rome, 2019
Decoupling - natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth
(UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme: A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel)
France, 2011
Declaration of Antananarivo on geological heritage and its conservation in Africa
(Nicolas Charles - PanAfGeo, Djimadoum Nambatingar - Organization of African Geological Surveys, Enrique Diaz-Martinez - European Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage, Ezzoura Errami - African Association of Women in Geosciences and African Geoparks Network)
Antananarivo (Madagascar), 8 June 2019
Soil Erosion - the greatest challenge for sustainable soil management
(Dan Pennock, University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2019
Ethics in Science Education, Research and Governance
(Edited by Kambadur Muralidhar, Amit Ghosh, Ashok Kumar Singhvi)
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India, 2019
ISBN: 978-81-939482-1-7
GAR - Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019
(United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
This fifth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is being issued four years after the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework).
Best practice guidelines for the use of the geoheritage in the city of Segovia
A sustainable model for environmental awareness and urban geotourism
(Juana Vegas and Andrés Díez-Herrero)
Town Hall of Segovia and Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), 2018
Geoengineering: the need for governance
(Janos Pasztor, Nicholas Harrison, Ying Chen, Arunabha Ghosh, Ronny Jumeau, Carlos Nobres, Jesse Reynolds)
Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative (C2G2), February 2019, New York, USA

Global Material Resources Outlook to 2060
(OECD - Economic Co-operation and Development)

Key Features of Complex Adaptive Systems
Regimes Shifts in Social-Ecological Systems
Earth's Social-Ecological Systems Stewardship
(Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch University)
Download "Key Features of Complex Adaptive Systems"
Download "Regimes Shifts in Social-Ecological Systems"
Cobalt: demand-supply balances in the transition to electric mobility
(European Commission - JRC Joint Research Centre - Science for Policy Report)
The expansion of the electric vehicle market globally and in the EU will increase exponentially the demand for cobalt in the next decade. Cobalt supply has issues of concentration and risk of disruption, as it is mainly produced in Democratic Republic of Congo and China. According to our assessment these risks will persist in the future, likely increasing in the near term until 2020. Minerals exploration and EV batteries recycling can make for an improvement in the stability of cobalt supply from 2020 on, which together with the expected reduction in the use of cobalt, driven by substitution efforts, should help bridge the gap between supply and demand. Despite this, worldwide, demand is already perceived to exceed supply in 2020 and such a loss making trend is expected to become more consistent from 2025 on. In the EU, although the capacity to meet rising demand is projected to increase through mining and recycling activities, there is an increasing gap between endogenous supply and demand. The EU's supplies of cobalt will increasingly depend on imports from third countries, which underscores the need for deploying the Raw Materials Initiative and the Battery Alliance frameworks.

Mosi-oa-Tunya Declaration on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, Quarrying and Development
(ASM18 delegates)
Five-hundred and forty-seven delegates, representing 72 nations assembled in Livingstone, Zambia between the 11-13 September, 2018 for the International Conference on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining and Quarrying (ASM18) to chart a vision for sustainable development. ASM18 was the largest international gathering of artisanal and small-scale miners and quarry workers ever assembled. An historic outcome of ASM18 was the adoption of the ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya Declaration,’ the first declaration of its kind in over a decade. The 'Mosi' Declaration uses the traditional name of Victoria Falls, located adjacent to the conference venue and builds on earlier ASM conference declarations from Harare (1993), Washington (1996), and Yaoundé (2002).