School on Geoethics and Natural Issues
(Schola de Geoethica et Naturae Quaestionibus)
Dr. PhD Silvia Peppoloni
Date of foundation:
20 July 2019
Founding members:
Peter T. Bobrowsky, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni
The “Schola” is a place for teaching and learning of the principles and values of geoethics in the light of the philosophy and history of Earth sciences. The intent is to provide background knowledge and the evaluation skills necessary to understand the complex relationship between human action on ecosystems and the decisions geoscientists make in the discipline that impact society, including improving the awareness of professionals, students, decision-makers, media operators, and the public on an accountable and ecologically sustainable development.
The “Schola” provides the opportunity to deepen reflection on the sense and social utility of geosciences, analyzing their rational categories, values, possible perspectives, uncertainties and cognitive limits, in order to understand how their modes of action can conform to a specific vision of reality and how that vision can in turn modify the interface of human action with natural reality. But the “Schola” is also a place to learn and develop more responsible strategies, operating procedures and practical actions, that are compatible with respect for socio-ecological systems, the vocation of the territories, including the health and safety of human communities.
The “Schola” aims to provide excellent education in geoethics, thus promoting the development of a scientific and critical attitude to the knowledge of the Earth and its constituent systems, by fostering a growth of awareness and responsibility towards the planet, education in the values and actions underlying a respect for ecosystems, including responsible use of resources, management of natural risks, reduction of pollution and its repercussions on human health and climate, adaptation to environmental changes, in view of an accountable and ecologically sustainable development.
The “Schola” conforms to the Geoethical Promise and the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics adopted as programmatic and constitutive documents to promote a cultural renewal aimed at favoring ecological humanism.
The “Schola” is a scientific, international, multicultural and multidisciplinary meeting place for research and training on geoethics and the philosophy of Earth sciences.
The “Schola” guarantees quality training, in a continuous and constant process of scientific and professional improvement and updating.
In the pursuit of its objectives, the “Schola” relies on experts from different disciplinary fields, using all the traditional didactic tools to which are added innovative methods that favor the formation of geoethical thinking and stimulate an analytical and critical attitude to understanding of socio-ecological complexity.
To whom it is addressed
The “Schola” is aimed at all those who want to improve their scientific knowledge on the Earth system and to understand the social role geosciences can play in identifying new ways of relating to the planet and the living forms that it hosts. The courses are addressed to different categories of users: they can be useful to both secondary school students and university undergraduate/graduate students in disciplines that deal with the environment from different perspectives (planning, naturalist, geo-biological, landscape, architectural, legislative, educational, cultural and relative to communication). Scholars of the phenomena and processes of the planet (researchers, academics, scientists), as well as those who physically operate in the territories (various types of professionals, geologists, engineers, landscape architects, risk experts, media operators, decision-makers) can find valid support to their scientific and professional preparation in the courses. Finally, the “Schola” is also aimed at the general public and others, including non-experts, who are interested in better understanding the bond that links human communities to ecosystems, within the perspective of responsible development.

Fundamental Books and Articles/Chapters
Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua
Geoethics: Manifesto for an Ethics of Responsibility Towards the Earth
2022, Springer, Cham, XII+123 pp., ISBN 978-3030980436.
Vasconcelos Clara, Schneider-Voß Susanne, and Peppoloni Silvia (Eds.)
Teaching Geoethics
Resources for higher education
2020, U.Porto Edições, 207 pp.,
Bohle Martin (Ed.)
Exploring Geoethics
Ethical Implications, Societal Contexts, and Professional Obligations of the Geosciences
Authors: Bohle Martin, Peppoloni Silvia, Di Capua Giuseppe, Bilham Nic, Marone Eduardo, Rika Preiser
2019, Palgrave Pivot, Cham, XIV + 214, ISBN 978-3-030-12009-2
Wyss Max and Peppoloni Silvia (Eds.)
Geoethics, Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences
2014, p. 450, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0127999357
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics
In: Bohle M. and Marone E. (eds), Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 17-28.
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2021)
Geoethics to Start Up a Pedagogical and Political Path towards Future Sustainable Societies
Sustainability, 13(18), 10024,
Bobrowsky P., V.S. Cronin, G. Di Capua, S.W. Kieffer, S. Peppoloni (2017)
The Emerging Field of Geoethics
In: Gundersen Linda C. (Ed.). Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences, 2017, p. 336, American Geophysical Union, Wiley, ISBN 978-1-119-06778-8
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2017). Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications in geosciences. In: Peppoloni S., Di Capua G., Bobrowsky P.T., Cronin V.S. (Eds.). Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience. Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 60, Fast Track 7,
Marone E. and Peppoloni S. (2017). Ethical Dilemmas in Geosciences. We Can Ask, but, Can We Answer? In: Peppoloni S., Di Capua G., Bobrowsky P.T., Cronin V.S. (Eds.). Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience. Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 60, Fast Track 7,
Mogk D. (2017). Geoethics and Professionalism: The Responsible Conduct of Scientists. In: Peppoloni S., Di Capua G., Bobrowsky P.T., Cronin V.S. (Eds.). Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience. Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 60, Fast Track 7,
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2016)
Geoethics: Ethical, social, and cultural values in geosciences research, practice, and education
pp. 17-21. DOI: 10.1130/2016.2520(03)
In: Wessel, G.R., and Greenberg, J.K., eds., Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future: Geological Society of America Special Paper 520, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-8137-2520-8
Peppoloni S. and Di Capua G. (2015)
The Meaning of Geoethics
Chapter 1, pp. 3-14. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-799935-7.00001-0
In: Wyss M. and Peppoloni S. (Eds). Geoethics: Ethical challenges and case studies in Earth Sciences, 2015, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0127999357
Introduction to geoethics: definition, concepts, and application
Silvia Peppoloni, geologist, researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Rome, Italy), introduces the audience to the definition and meaning of geoethics, also from a philosophical point of view; she highlights the main characteristics of geoethics and the concept of responsibility; illustrates the four ethical dimensions of geoethics; describes the themes of geoethics and the fields of its application.
The video is part of the Intellectual Outputs (IO1) of the European Erasmus+ project GOAL "Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning" ( IAPG is official partner of the project GOAL.
Geoethical issues and geoethical dilemmas
Silvia Peppoloni, research geologist at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Secretary General of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, introduces the audience to the concepts of geoethical issues and dilemmas.
The video is part of the Intellectual Outputs (IO1) of the European Erasmus+ project GOAL "Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning" (
IAPG is official partner of the project GOAL.
Geoethics and responsible use of geo-resources
In this video Giuseppe Di Capua, geologist, technologist at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Rome, Italy), introduces the audience to the geoethical aspects related to responsible use of geo-resources.
The video is part of the Intellectual Output 1 of the European Erasmus+ project GOAL "Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning" (
IAPG is official partner of the project GOAL.
Geoethics and geological risks
Silvia Peppoloni, research geologist at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Secretary General of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, talks about geoethical aspects in geological risks.
The video is part of the Intellectual Outputs (IO1) of the European Erasmus+ project GOAL "Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning" (
IAPG is official partner of the project GOAL.
Geoethical issues in prediction and prevention of potentially catastrophic natural events
Stefano Tinti, Professor at the University of Bologna, President of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, delivered a talk on the ethical aspects in the prevention and forecasting of natural disasters at the International Meeting of the AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science, entitled: "Acutely Ethical: Principles and Guidelines on the Use of Location-Based Data in Crisis Situations", dedicated to addressing the responsible use of geospatial data in response to human rights and humanitarian needs in crises. The workshop took place in Washington (USA), on 20 March 2019.
Geoethics: from an ethics for geosciences to a global ethics for societies
Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG co-founding member and treasurer) held an online lecture entitled "Geoethics: from an ethics for geosciences to a global ethics for societies" at an event organized by the GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia for its 75th anniversary, on 17 November 2021.
The significance of geotourism through the lens of geoethics
Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) delivered an online presentation entitled "The significance of geotourism through the lens of geoethics" at the Session "EOS4.1: Geoethics in the face of global anthropogenic changes: how do we intersect different knowledge domains?" of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly on 24 May 2022.
Short Course on Geoethics
(dedicated to Jan Boon)
0.Forewords to Honour Jan Boon (Giuseppe Di Capua) - Video
1.Theoretical foundations of Geoethics (Silvia Peppoloni) - Video
2.Responsible conduct of research and professionalism (David Mogk) - Video
3.Development Perspectives for Geoethical Thoughts? (Martin Bohle) - Video
4.Education for Confronting (geo)ethical dilemmas (Eduardo Marone) - Video
5.Geoethics and responsible mining (Nic Bilham) - Video
6.Geoethics in natural hazards from the perspective of an engineering geologist (Vince Cronin) - Video
7.Geoethics' case studies: Paleontology and Geoheritage (Daniel DeMiguel) - Video
8.Geoethics' case studies: effects of the EU directive on conflict minerals (Vítor Correia) - Video
Webinar on Geoethics
The Early Career Scientists Team (ECST) of the IAPG, in cooperation with AGI - American Geosciences Institute, organized a webinar on geoethics on 19 October 2020. Speakers focus on several geoethical issues: foundations of geoethics (Silvia Peppoloni), geoethics in education (Alexandra Cardoso), geoethics in paleontology (Daniel DeMiguel), geoethics in water management (Sebastian Handl), geoethical issues in risk management (Cesar Oboni), geoscience professionalism (Linda Gundersen), activities on geoethics by the IAPG (Giuseppe Di Capua) and by IAPG-ECST (Cristina Toma). Moderators: Jonathan Rizzi and Barbara Zambelli.
Geoethics in Disaster Risk Reduction
The video lesson by Silvia Peppoloni, geologist, researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Rome, Italy), is part of the online course (MOOC): "A Resilient Future: Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction" (Discover how science and technology help us reduce disaster risk and increase resilience).
This free online course is organized by the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland).
The video is included in the Chapter 7: Science and Technology for Resilience and Sustainable Development - Ethics in Disaster Risk Reduction.
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is partner of the MOOC for the Chapter 7.
Short Courses/Seminars
XVI Chilean Geological Congress
Universidad del Desarrollo, Campus Rector Ernesto Silva Bafalluy, San Carlos de Apoquindo, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
26 November 2023, 10:00-13:00 GMT-3
Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua
Main goal
To train the Chilean geoscientist community in the meaning of Geoethics and its application in the various areas of its development.
Specific goals
Define the concept of geoethics and its development in the international context (structure, principles and values, domains, issues and dilemmas, characteristics).
Apply geoethics in different geoscience fields (mining, groundwaters, geological risks).
Analyze ethical aspects in specific global issues.
The main goal of the workshop "What is geoethics?" is to train the Chilean geoscientist community in the meaning of the concept, deepen the reflection on the areas of its development from the personal to the environmental, as well as provide some basic tools for professional ethical discernment. The topic of geoethics has been installed for several years in the national geoscientist community, starting with Geoethics courses in some higher education institutions, going through a special session at the Chilean Geological Congress 2018, and the creation of the Geoethics Group of the Geological Society of Chile, which has been strongly positioning the subject. There is accumulated experience, but there is still a lack of greater understanding by the geoscientist community about what Geoethics means. For this reason, the Geoethics Group wants to take advantage of the Chilean Geological Congress 2023, which brings together colleagues from various institutions, as well as students, to reflect more deeply on what geoethics means, to become aware of its relevance in multiple fields, be it professional, as a geoscientist community, and also in the social and environmental fields. Likewise, the workshop hopes to provide basic tools for the development of geoethical discernment, based on the experience accumulated in Geoethics courses in Chile.
10:00-10:15: Opening words
10:15-11:15: First session: Basic concepts and principles
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-12:30: Second session: Application of that theory to specific fields of geoscience
12:30-13:00: Third session, Q&A.
The Workshop will be held in English and is free of charge.
Online Training: Exploring Geoethics: Ethics of Responsibility Towards the Earth System
The Geological Society of London
Virtual course, 26 September 2023 - 10 October 2023
Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni
This course aims to illustrate the theoretical foundations of geoethics, providing the categories, principles and values that underlie its conceptual framework. The course will start discussing the definition of geoethics and after an excursus on the roots of geoethical thought and on the development of geoethics, the structure of geoethics will be described with references to environmental ethics. In particular, the fundamental and aspirational principles of geoethics, its relational domains, the reference values for each domain, its main characteristics will be discussed. The course will then move on to address the application of geoethical thinking to important questions related to geosciences. The course is organised in modules:
Module 1 - 26 September, 16.00-18.00
Definition of geoethics, roots of geoethical thought, development of geoethics.
Structure of geoethics, geoethical domains, principles and values, issues and dilemmas, main characteristics of geoethics.
Professionalism and integrity of research.
Module 2 - 2 October, 16.00-18.00
Socio-economic implications of geosciences.
Responsible management of natural resources and sustainability.
Module 3 - 5 October, 16.00-18.00
Geoethical issues in georisks and disaster risk reduction.
L’Aquila Earthquake case and the New Zealand volcanic eruption case
Ethical and societal relevance of geoheritage and geodiversity.
Module 4 - 10 October, 16.00-18.00
Climate change and aspects of climate and intergenerational justice.
The concept of Anthropocene.
Geoethics applied to specific issues: deep sea mining and geoengineering.
Learning Objectives
Knowledge: the primary goal is to introduce the participants to the foundations of geoethics and its theoretical structure.
Raising awareness: participants will increase the awareness on the value, meaning and importance of the ethical and social issues affecting geosciences.
Sense making: geosciences are commonly considered as a set of technical-scientific disciplines. However, the course also aims to highlight their cultural value and importance for making ethical decisions for the benefit of society and the environment.
Mind shifting: geoethics is a new way of thinking and practicing geosciences that can help changing the interaction between human beings and the Earth system. This and other related aspects will be highlighted during the course.
Providing tools: geoethics is now a well-established discipline, founded on a significant number of publications, documents, videos, etc. Participants will be provided with information about resources on geoethics.
EGU - General Assembly 2021
Short Course SC4.4
Virtual Meeting, 29 April 2021, 10:00-11:00 CEST
Eduardo Marone, Jan Boon, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni
0. Forewords to Honour Jan Boon (Giuseppe Di Capua) - Video
1. Theoretical foundations of Geoethics (Silvia Peppoloni) - Video
2. Responsible conduct of research and professionalism (David Mogk) - Video
3. Development Perspectives for Geoethical Thoughts? (Martin Bohle) - Video
4. Education for Confronting (geo)ethical dilemmas (Eduardo Marone) - Video
5. Geoethics and responsible mining (Nic Bilham) - Video
6. Geoethics in natural hazards from the perspective of an engineering geologist (Vince Cronin) - Video
7. Geoethics' case studies: Paleontology and Geoheritage (Daniel DeMiguel) - Video
8. Geoethics' case studies: effects of the EU directive on conflict minerals (Vítor Correia) - Video
The short course is co-sponsored by:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (
and IOI-TC-LAC - International Ocean Institute Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (
Foundations of Geoethics for Earth, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
EGU - General Assembly 2019
Short Course SC1.30
Vienna (Austria), 9 April 2019, 08:30-10:15; Room -2.31
Eduardo Marone, Jan Boon, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni
From Ethics to Geoethics: definition, values, tools
Silvia Peppoloni
Responsible conduct of research and professionalism
Vitor Correia
Tools for Confronting (geo)ethical dilemmas
Eduardo Marone
Questions & Answers
Short Break
Geoethics for society: sustainable development and responsible mining
Jan Boon
Geoethics in natural hazards
Giuseppe Di Capua
Geoethics in geoscience communication
Nic Bilham
Questions & Answers
The short course is co-sponsored by:
IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (
and IOI-TC-LAC - International Ocean Institute Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (