Early Career Scientists Team (ECST)
The ECST has the following goals:
Promoting geoethics and the IAPG, with a special target focused on younger and early career scientists/professionals;
Working as the interface between IAPG and young/early career scientists' organizations and groups.
Starting to self-train a group of geoscientists that would be able to bring the reins of the IAPG in the future and capable to continue to develop the geoethical thinking, by following multi- and transdisciplinary approaches.

The IAPG considers the ESCT as its outpost and one of its greater strengths. The IAPG believes that early career and young scientists can indicate needs and expectations on the future of geosciences. They can help to give a perspective updated and adhering to the new challenges that geoscientists have to face. They can also report new instances from the society, identifying the potential innovative contributions that geosciences can provide to society.
Members of the ECST Board are early career scientists/professionals and members of the IAPG.
The ECST replaces the Young Scientists Club (YSC), that was active from 2015 to 2019.
The IAPG thanks Flavia Strani (PhD in Earth Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, to have drawn the ECST logo.
ECST Board (2020-2024)
Daniel DeMiguel
Board members and ECST Spokeperson

Ndivhuwo Cecilia Mukosi
Board member
(South Africa)
Daniel is a researcher (Degree in Geology and PhD in Palaeontology) of the Aragonese Foundation for Research and Development (ARAID) and professor collaborator at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He develops his work on several fields of Vertebrate Palaeontology, encompassing a variety of problems related to the palaeobiological and climatic evolution of the Neogene and Quaternary. His main work relies on key evidences from the rock record and the use of proxies for the reconstruction of diet in fossil primates and herbivorous mammals. His research seeks to provide an accurate reconstruction of past climate and environments to enable better predictions of near-future global warming. His research activity also focuses on ethical and social implications linked with the palaeontological heritage and geoconservation principles, hereby contributing to the geoethical thinking and the promotion of awareness raising that may guide the development of future research and practices in Palaeontology.
email: demiguel (at) unizar.es

Cristina Toma
Board member
Cristina was born and raised in Bucharest, Romania. She is currently doing a PhD in geoconservation (interpretation of geological heritage). She is working since 2015 in the Geopark area, first in Buzau Land Aspiring Geopark, as an interpreter, local community facilitator, sustainable development specialist and more, as usually happens in the geoparks world. The case study in her PhD is related to Buzau Land Aspiring Geopark. Nevertheless, her first love was Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark, on which she had her dissertation paper in 2015, about interpretation of natural and cultural heritage of an “industrial park” existing from 100 years. Now she is currently working for Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark and teaching a course on Sustainable Development in Geoparks at the Geoconservation Master from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Bucharest. She is secretary of The Geological Society of Romania, Bucharest Branch and secretary of the Romanian Geoparks Forum.
email: t.cristinatoma (at) yahoo.com
Cecilia is an international and national award winning geoscientist (MSc Geology), with demonstrated history of working in the multidisciplinary geoscientific environment, working for the Council for Geoscience, South Africa. Skilled in geological and geochemical mapping as well as project management, she has over 10 years experience of mapping in various terrains in South Africa and in foreign countries. In South Africa, Cecilia has worked in various terrains focusing on regional geological and geochemical mapping, as well as project management of regional multidisciplinary (i.e. geological, geochemical, hydrogeological and geophysical) mapping programmes. Her work in SADC countries includes Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia and Namibia, focusing on geological mapping and geological survey institutional strengthening projects respectively. Over the years, Cecilia has volunteered and served on several international and national geoscience organizations as well as organized international and national conferences, sessions, roundtables, field trips as well as geoscience outreach activities especially in previously disadvantage communities in South Africa. Cecilia is passionate about geoscience information in Africa, as well as mentoring graduate students, interns and junior scientists.
email: ncmukosi (at) gmail.com

Sebastian Handl
Board member
Sebastian is currently working on his PhD at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna). His research concerns drinking water supply in general, with a focus on groundwater modelling as well as emerging pollutants. Geoethics started to become a further area of interest during his involvement with the GOAL-Project (goal-erasmus.eu), where he had the opportunity to work in a wonderful team that developed resources for higher education on the topics of geoethics in water supply management and ethical challenges connected to energy production from hydropower.
email: sebastian.handl (at) boku.ac.at

César Oboni
Board member
César is the Vice President of Oboni Riskope Associates Inc., Vancouver, Canada. He has an exceptional combination of technical expertise and deep understanding of cross-cultural environments. He developed his skills over 15 years of experience while working for large corporations, governments, and public sector organizations in Europe, North America and Japan. César manages risk identification, risk analyses, and also risk assessment and crisis mitigation projects. He has dealt with numerous facilities, harbors, coal mining, military, and transportation. Finally, César has developed specific experience in the analysis of residual risk of mining water treatment plants and mining infrastructure. Beside his activities in risk assessments and Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE), the flagship product of Riskope, Cesar has been very active in the analysis of special and emerging risks. In fact, he co-authored a report on Cyber-defence at national scale for a European country. César has published over 25 papers in international conferences and symposiums. Themes include risk communication, risk tolerance, long term acceptability and finally risk assessments methodologies. In various projects César created the link between Risk Analysis and the definition of quantitative risk tolerance. His work fostered clients’ social licence to operate (SLO) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). César’s integrated approach includes societal acceptability, willingness to pay and other social drivers into future mitigative policies. César is the co-author of :”Tailings Dam Management for the Twenty-First Century” published by Springer and “Global Hot Spots: How Project and Enterprise Risk Management Practices Drive Business Results Around the World (Simmer System Book 4)” for Kindle. César is the co-author of 2007 book entitled: “Improving Sustainability through Reasonable Risk and Crisis Management”. He was co-recipient of the 2010 ICCC, Italian Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Canada West), Innovation Award. César is also the co-chair of the CIM-MES (Management and Economics Society) chapter and on the steering committee of PRMIA.
email: coboni (at) riskope.com

Jonathan Rizzi
Board member

Bárbara Zambelli
Board member
Bárbara is Brazilian, Geologist Engineer (Federal University of Ouro Preto/University College Cork), speleologist, science communicator and environmental activist. Since the beginning of college, she started getting involved with karst studies, mainly technically but with increasing concern about social, environmental and political implications. She works as an independent consultant and researcher on topics mainly related to karst (but not exclusively), such as speleology, hydrogeology and geomorphology. From 2017 onwards, she has been participating as a contributing author to the Geology for Global Development blog, hosted on the EGU website. In 2019, she co-founded 'a Ponte', an organization grounded on geoethical principles with the aim of bridging the gap between geosciences and society.
email: ba.zambelli (at) gmail.com

Alexandra Cardoso
Board member
Alexandra has an MSc degree in Biology and Geology Teaching and a first degree in Biology (with the complementary formation in Geology), both concluded at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP). She is a researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences (Porto center) and a member of the European project Erasmus+ "Geoethics Outcomes & Awareness Learning" (GOAL – ref. 2017-1-PT01-KA203-035967). Currently, she is a student of the PhD Program in Science Teaching and Dissemination (Expertise in Science Teaching) of FCUP, with a thesis on the theme "Geoethics in Sustainable Development: implementation and evaluation of a syllabus in higher education" funded by the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology (FCT – ref. SFRH/BD/137852/2018). Thus, her present research focuses on bringing geoethics to higher education to make future geosciences scientists and teachers aware of its importance for the protection of Earth, applying a syllabus created on the mentioned project GOAL.
email: alexandra.cardoso (at) fc.up.pt
Jonathan has a PhD in Environmental Sciences, and is working since more than 15 years in the GIS sector. Experience as consultant, lecturer, researcher and project manager of national and international project and work experience in countries such as China and Ecuador. The main research activities are concerned with the use of spatial big data and GIS (including remote sensing) in several environmental sectors, including climate change, forestry, agriculture, contaminated sites and water quality. He has also experience in the development of GIS-based tools and Spatial Decision Support System and he also worked on the definition of methodologies for risk assessment. He is involved in outreach and dissemination, being actively involved in large association such as the European Geoscience Union (EGU) or the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG).
email: jonathan.rizzi (at) nibio.no
The first (virtual) meeting of the IAPG-ECST was held on 27 July 2020

IAPG-ECST's virtual meetings
27 July 2020
9 September
25 September 2020
1 October 2020
9 October 2020
Contact the IAPG-ECST
The Early Career Scientists Team is available for any early career/young geoscientist who:
- is interested in Geoethics and wants more information about it;
- wants to create an event related to Geoethics and would like some guidance and help;
- wants to contribute to the IAPG Blog on Geoethics.
Send an email to: iapgecst@gmail.com​
The video of the Webinar on Geoethics for the International Geoethics Day 2020
The Early Career Scientists Team (ECST) of the IAPG, in cooperation with AGI - American Geosciences Institute, organized a webinar on geoethics on 19 October 2020.
Through this event the IAPG celebrated the International Geoethics Day 2020.
Speakers: Giuseppe Di Capua, Cristina Toma, Silvia Peppoloni, Alexandra Cardoso, Daniel DeMiguel, Sebastian Handl, Cesar Oboni, Linda Gundersen
Moderators: Jonathan Rizzi and Barbara Zambelli
Go to the video recording on the IAPG YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/QV-qgAJPAAQ
Young Scientists Club (YSC)
The YSC was the interface between IAPG and young scientists' organizations and groups, in order to promote geoethics and IAPG more effectively among the youngest colleagues.
Members of the YSC were early career scientists/professionals and members of IAPG.
The members of the YSC Executive Board (2015-2019) were selected after a public call among the IAPG members.
The YSC Executive Board was active till 2019. Then it was replaced by the Early Career Scientists Team /ECST).