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Session on Geoethics in Turkey. The call for abstracts is open!

Session “Sustainable use of georesources (including mines, water and energy resources) and geoethics” at the 75th Geological Congress of Turkey (Ankara, 11-15 April 2023), organized by the Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers Chamber of Geological Engineers (TMMOB-JMO).

Conveners: Yüksel Örgün Tutay (IAPG-Turkey Co-coordinator), Dündar Çağlan (IAPG-Turkey Co-coordinator), M.Cemal Göncüoğlu. 

​Session description (pdf file):

​The deadline for the abstract submission is: 31 January 2023.

Congress website: 


IAPG calendar of events:

IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:

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