Events in 2024
Archive of events organized by IAPG in 2022-2023: sessions/symposia on geoethics in meetings, conferences, congresses, seminars, lectures, other initiatives.
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13-15 December 2024
Lima (Peru)
MinerLima 2024
This is the 10th edition of the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.
The General Coordinator of MinerLima 2024 is Carlos Toledo Gutiérrez.
MinerLima is an event to disseminate the Peruvian mineralogical heritage, through an exhibition of minerals and rocks, and other related initiatives. The most important goal of this event is to educate the Peruvian citizens on geoscience as well as to create links between the geoscience community and society.
The event will take place in Miraflores, Lima, Peru, at the headquarters of the Peruvian Geological Society (SGP).
​MinerLima 2024 and IAPG-Peru wait for you in Lima!
Visit the Facebook page of MinerLima:
25-28 November 2024
Dunedin (New Zealand)
IAPG at the GSNZ Annual Conference 2024
Annual Conference 2024 of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand (GSNZ), held at the University of Otago
The IAPG is officially represented at the GSNZ Annual Conference 2024 by Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG President), Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Secretary General) and Matthew Hughes (IAPG-New Zealand Coordinator).
These are the events planned:
- Meeting of the Geoethics Special Interest Group of GSNZ/IAPG New Zealand, led by Matthew Hughes (University of Canterbury), at Burns 1 Lecture Theatre, 26 November 2024.
- Session 1.B Geoscience Education, Outreach and Communication, Castle 1 Lecture Theatre, 26 November 2024:
Presentation by Matthew Hughes, titled "A Geoethical Vision for Aotearoa New Zealand";
Presentation by Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni, titled "The Global Geoethics Infrastructure".
Congress website:
27 November 2024
Geoethics in a conference in Spain
Francesc Bellaubi (Silene, Catalonia, Spain; Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, Mexico; IAPG member) participated in the VII Conference on the Social Doctrine of the Church organized by Justice and Peace and the Theological Institute of Murcia "Thinking about the 21st century. Geopolitics, geoethics and peace in a world in conflict". He gave a speech with the title "Geoethics for peace and the environment" (the conference was in Spanish).
20 November 2024
San Luis (Argentina)
Simposium on Geological Risks and Geoethics at XXII CGA
XXII Congreso Geológico Argentino (CGA) (Argentinian Geological Congress)
"Avances y desafíos de la Geología en Argentina" ("Advances and challenges of Geology in Argentina")
IAPGeoethics-Argentina organizes the Symposium S03 "Geological Risks and Geoethics" (Riesgos geológicos y Geoética).
The Argentine Geological community is invited to participate in the symposium titled Geological Risks and Geoethics. The aim of the symposium is to gather specialists in geological sciences and geoscientists to exchange knowledge on ethical conduct in addressing threats and risks associated with professional activities. Volcanic processes, earthquakes (seismic events – tsunamis), floods, landslides, mass movements in general, and wind, river, and marine erosion caused by climatic and/or anthropogenic changes will be central themes of this symposium. We invite the entire geoscientific community to explore the application of geoethical principles in addressing these issues (More information: International Association for Promoting Geoethics – IAPG -
A discussion space will be opened for the multi- and interdisciplinary treatment of the topic, which will serve not only to advance scientific knowledge but also to address the management of geological risks in relation to social, public health, technological, communicational, and legal contexts (Geoethics Code).
Dr. Elizabeth I. Rovere (Coordinator of IAPGeoethics Argentina), Dr. Roberto A. Violante (Coordinator of IAPGeoethics Argentina), Dr. Gabriel Asato, Dr. Oscar H. Papú.
Program of the symposium (20 November 2024):
- Opening of the Symposium.
- Presentation of the book "Geociencias y Sociedad" (Geoscience and Society) by chapter authors (in Spanish).
- Presentation of the book "Importancia de las Geociencias en el Ámbito Social" (Importance of Geosciences in the Social Sphere) by chapter authors (in Spanish).
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00 - 10:30
Conference by Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni, titled "The International Infrastructure for Geoethics" (in English).
10:30 - 11:45
Round Table (in English and Spanish)
XXII CGA website:
(in English:
19 November 2024
Rome (Italy) and online
Presentation of JGSG at INGV
Silvia Peppoloni, President of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics, presented the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences (JGSG) during the publishing day event organized by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) at the INGV headoffice in Rome, Italy. On this occasion, the International Geoethics Research Infrastructure (IGRI), hosted at INGV, was also introduced. Silvia Peppoloni serves as the editor-in-chief of this international diamond open-access journal.
JGSG website:
17 October 2024
International Geoethics Day 2024: valuing geosciences for the public good
We celebrate the 8th edition of the International Geoethics Day on 17 October 2024.
The theme of this year is "valuing geosciences for the public good".
The International Geoethics Day 2024 emphasizes the importance of applying geoscientific knowledge to address societal challenges and promote the well-being of communities. By understanding Earth's processes, geoscientists contribute to disaster risk reduction, resource management, environmental conservation, and sustainable development. Their work helps ensure safe water supplies, mitigate climate change impacts, and support responsible land use. Valuing geosciences means recognizing their role in fostering resilience, protecting ecosystems, and improving quality of life, ultimately ensuring that scientific advancements benefit society as a whole.
If you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2024, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.
Hashtag: #geoethicsday2024
Events planned:
- IAPG-Turkey shares a text (in Turkish) with the press and the public, prepared by Yülsel Örgün Tutay and Dündar ÇaÄŸlan (IAPG-Turkey Co-coordinators).
Download the press release (pdf file)
- The Tethys Fossil Museum ( celebrates the International Geoethics Day on 20 October 2024 in Dangyari, Himachal Pradesh, India. This enriching event offers village school children and families a chance to explore geology and its role in sustainable resource management and future planning.
- Matthew Hughes (IAPG-New Zealand Coordinator) has planned a picnic lunch at the Coronation Hill Scenic Reserve in the Port Hills (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 17 October, with its spectacular views of the harbour and loess-mantled volcanic landscapes.More details on the website of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand:
- On 17 October 2024, at the premises of Bologna Section of the National Isntitute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV, Italy), Giuliana Rubbia (IAPG-Italy) delivers a seminar about “Gender and natural hazards: a duo to be explored” (in Italian) for celebrating the International Geoethics Day 2024. According to the new European Charter for Researchers, the principle of Gender Equality includes fostering the integration of the gender dimension in research, teaching and innovation content to improve the scientific quality, excellence, and societal relevance of the produced knowledge. In disaster risk reduction, gender and intersectional dimensions are crucial, since natural hazards are gender-neutral, but impacts are not. The event can be followed remotely via the following link:
Download the poster (pdf file)
- The Aliaga Geological Park in Teruel, Spain, will celebrate International Geoethics Day 2024 with an event on 18 October 2024. The Park management will host a workshop led by Pablo Antonio Crespo in the Geology Classroom, followed by a field trip to the Aliaga Geological Park. The event aims to educate 53 primary and secondary school students about geology, resource management, and sustainable development, with a focus on applying the principles of geoethics.
- IAPG-Bangladesh will organized a seminar on "Valuing Geosciences for the Public Good" to celebrate International Geoethics Day 2024. The event will take place at the auditorium of the Geological Survey of Bangladesh in Dhaka on 17 October 2024. The Seminar will be focused on emphasizing the importance of applying geoscientific knowledge to address societal challenges and promote the well-being of communities.
Website of the International Geoethics day
17 October 2024
(Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Keynote on Geoethics in Brazil
Silvia Peppoloni (President of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics) gives a keynote titled “Geoethics: Resources, Risks, Responsibilities” at the 51° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia (51st Brazilian Geological Congress) in Belo Horizonte, in the session ST5 - Geociências para a sociedade e Geoética (Geosciences for society and Geoethics).
Congress website (programme):
Keynote video on the IAPG channel on YouTube:
23-26 September 2024
Dresden (Germany)
IAPG at GeoSaxonia 2024
Annual meeting of the German Geological Society (DGGV) "GeoSaxonia 2024"
Dr. Martin Bohle represented the IAPG at GeoSaxonia 2024 in Dresden, Germany, where he explored the Anthropocene concept through a geo-philosophical lens. He delivered his talk, titled "Geo-philosophical Attributes of Anthropocene Concepts," on 26 September 2024 in the session 05.b) "Blurring boundaries and rising responsibilities?" of the theme Geoscience & Society.

25-31 August 2024
Busan (Republic of Korea)
Geoethics at the 37th IGC
International Geological Congress (IGC)
Venue: BEXCO - Busan Exhibition & Convention Center
The IAPG, the IUGS Commission on Geoethics, and the CIPSH Chair on Geoethics are pleased to announce the following events on geoethics at the 37th IGC:
Plenary Speech by Silvia Peppoloni, titled "The future of geosciences through the lens of geoethics" (28 August 2024: 11:40-12:20).
Session T39-S1 "Geoethics at the heart of all geoscience: serving the public good", convened by Silvia Peppoloni, Vitor Correia, Giuseppe Di Capua (27 August 2024: orals 08:00-11:00; posters 08:00-18:00).
Report on activities of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics by Giuseppe Di Capua at the Fifth Ordinary Session of the IUGS-IGC Council (28 August 2024: 14:30-14:40).
2nd General Assembly of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), convened by Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua (30 August 2024: 10:00-12:00).
Read more about these events: ​​You can also view the list of oral and poster presentations and download the abstracts.
37th IGC website:
21-23 June 2024
Assisi (Italy)
Geoethics in Assisi (Italy)
International existential humanistic conference "Uomo - Unità di Azione: Definire l'Uomo per Ritrovare la Radicalità di Natura" ("Human - Unity of Action: Defining Human to Rediscover Their Rootness of Nature").​
Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua gives a talk titled "Geoetica per un Umanesimo Ecologico" ("Geoethics for an Ecological Humanism").

21-22 June 2024
Lima (Peru)
I Latin American Symposium on Geoethics
The Call for Abstracts is open - Deadline: 15 April 2024
The network of Latin American sections of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), invites the scientific community to the I Latin American Symposium on Geoethics "Building Healthy Relationships with the Planet".
This event is included into the I Peruvian Biennial in Geotechnics.
Topics of interest in the symposium are research and reflections on behaviors and practices related to the interaction of human activities and the Earth system based on the principles and values advocated by geoethics.
This symposium hopes to attract professionals and researchers from the Earth Sciences, related areas and the Social and Human Sciences.
A Latin American perspective is considered important to contribute to an increasingly authentic and plural geoethics.
The official language of the symposium is Spanish. Due to the regional nature of the event, contributions in Portuguese and English will be also accepted.
Venue: Auditorio del Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú - CD Lima, San Isidro.
Type of presentations: onsite and virtual.
31 May 2024
IAPG-Peru General Assembly
Online event
IAPG-Peru organizes its general assembly. Agenda: Presentation of the Board of Directors 2024-2026; Schedule of Activities, Presentation of Groups and among others.​

10 May 2024
Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Event in Bangladesh
Event: Geology for the Sustainable Development of Bangladesh
Location: Petrobangla, Karwanbazar, Dhaka (Bangaldesh)
We highlight the Technical Session 17 - Theme 14: Geo-tourism, Geo-heritage and Conservation.
Venue: Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Petrobangla
Date: 10 May, 2024; Time: 15.15-16.00 hrs
Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Shafiqul Alam, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Rajshahi
Co-Chair: Mr. Md. Nazwanul Haque, Deputy Director (Geology), GSB
Rapporteur: Mr. Md. Jahangir, Assistant Director (Geology), GSB
1. Geotourism: A Tool for Perspective Development in Developing Countries (by Md. Nehal Uddin)
2. The Context of Geoconservation Measures for the BDP2100’s Hotspots Area of Bangladesh (by Md. Ali Akbar, Md. Jahangir Alam and Mohammad Al Razi)
3. Geoethics: My Understandings (by A. K. M. Khorshed Alam
15-16 April 2024
Vienna (Austria) and online
Geoethics at the EGU 2024
The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, the Commission on Geoethics of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences and the Chair on Geoethics of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences welcome you at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024 in Vienna (Austria), that attracts thousand of geoscientists from all over the world every year. From 2013, the IAPG organizes and supports events on geoethics at the EGU General Assembly. This year, we are excited about session EOS4.4, scheduled to take place on 15 and 16 April 2024.
Session EOS4.4 "Geoethics: The significance of geosciences for society and the environment"
Conveners: Silvia Peppoloni, Svitlana Krakovska, Giuseppe Di Capua, David Crookall
Orals (16 virtual and onsite presentations) | Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST), Room 1.34
Posters on site (8 posters) | Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST), Hall X1
Posters virtual (1 poster) | Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) vHall X1
This session is co-organized by BG8/ERE1/GM12/HS13/OS5/SSS1 and co-sponsored by IAPG, IUGS Commission on Geoethics, and CIPSH Chair on Geoethics.
Details about this session:
15 April 2024
18:00 (GMT-4), online
Launch of the Chilean Code of Geoethics
IAPG-Chile announces the official launch of the Chilean Code of Geoethics (in Spanish), prepared by the Geoethics Group of the Geological Society of Chile/IAPG-Chile, with the support of the national geoscience community, as well as international collaborators.
- Download the Chilean Code of Geoethics (pdf file)
- Zoom link:
8 March 2024
18:00 (GMT-5), online
4th Conversation of Women in Geosciences in Peru
The Commission on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the IAPG-Peru Commission organizes the 4th conversation on "Peruvian Women in Geosciences" to celebrate the International Women's Day 2024.
This event (in Spanish) will feature the participation of panelists who will share their experiences and contributions in the field of geological engineering, civil engineering, meteorology and paleontology.
Zoom link:
ID meeting: 821 3092 9428
Password: 8s5NWs

1 March 2024
Lecture in Greece
The Jean Monnet Headquarters in Risk and Crisis Communication Management in the EU, co-organized with the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) to honor World Civil Protection Day, welcomes the distinguished seismologist and Professor, Gerassimos Papadopoulos (IAPG-Greece co-Coordinator) in an online lecture entitled "Social Management of Natural Risks and Crises in Greece, and internationally."
The lecture takes place via the ZOOM platform:
- Meeting ID - 92410878631
The lecture will be presented by Maria Triantafyllou, Professor in the Department of Geology & Geo-environment of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and co-Coordinator of IAPG-Greece.
Amalia Triantafyllidou, Professor of the Department of Communications and Digital Media, University of Western Macedonia, is the coordinator of the lecture.

29 February 2024
Rome (Italy)
Geoethics in Rome
Silvia Peppoloni (Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics and IAPG Secretary General) holds a webinar entitled "Geoethics and Global Anthropogenic Impacts: Resources, Risks, Responsibilities" for students of RomaTre University and Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) and for members of the Professional Association of Geologists of Lazio.
This event is co-sponsored by IAPG School on Geoethics, IUGS Commission on Geoethics, and CIPSH Chair on Geoethics.

26-27 February 2024
Paris (France)
SCGES meeting in Paris
Silvia Peppoloni (Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics and IAPG Secretary General) attends the meeting of the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science (SCGES) and the 10th SCGES webinar "Popularizing science without gender bias" for the Global Women’s Breakfast. Silvia Peppoloni represents the IUGS - International Union of Geological Scences in this event.
19-21 February 2024
Nairobi (Kenya)
IUGS Commission on Geoethics and the IAPG at the 79th IUGS EC meeting
The IUGS Commission on Geoethics and the IAPG are represented by Silvia Peppoloni (Chair of the IUGS Commission on Geoethics and IAPG Secretary General) and Giuseppe Di Capua (IUGS Commission on Geoethics and IAPG Treasurer) at the 79th Executive Committee meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences.

10 February 2024
Online, 18:00 GMT-5
Webinar in Peru to celebrate the IDWGS 2024
Webinar (in Spanish) entitled "The vision of women in the geosciences (Spanish: "La visión de la mujer en las geociencias"), organized by IAPG-Peru to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024. Participants: Sandra Villacorta, Karol Puerta, Martha Ly.
19 January 2024
IAPG-Peru General Assembly
Online event
IAPG-Peru organizes its second general assembly to discuss the plan of activity 2024, to inform about activities of task groups and the student groups and to report about MinerLima 2023.​