EGU - General Assembly 2015
Session EOS8 - Geoethics for Society: general aspects and case studies in geosciences
Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Susan W. Kieffer, Eduardo Marone
Sessione description
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever human activities interact with the geosphere. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of Earth Sciences education, research and practice, and with the social role and responsibility of geoscientists in conducting their activities. As scholars and experts on some of the most urgent problems affecting our planet, geoscientists can play a fundamental role in society, thanks to their unique range of skills, by helping to meet human needs and address environmental problems at the local and global scale, and by providing information and expert advice to support informed decision-making and public debate. Education, at all levels, must be re-oriented to give 21st century citizens a better understanding of natural systems and our interactions with them, and to equip them to participate in debate about the challenges of living equitably and sustainably on our planet. Geoscientists have a great deal to contribute to this re-orientation.
The success of past sessions on Geoethics, organized at the EGU General Assembly since 2012, has demonstrated the growing interest of the academic and professional geoscience community in issues such as environmentally sustainable supply of energy and water resources, protection from natural hazards, and reducing pollution and its impacts on health and the climate. More specifically, geoscientific discourse is increasingly addressing ethical and social problems related to land management; use of natural resources; risk mitigation and communication; geoeducational strategies; research integrity and professional deontology; relationships between geoscientists, politicians, the mass media and the public; and the value of geodiversity, geoheritage and geoparks.
Geoscientists with greater awareness of their ethical responsibilities will be better able to put their knowledge at the disposal of society, by spreading the value of geosciences and geoeducation, especially among the young, improving the communication of their research and practice to the public and policy makers, taking care of the quality of human life, and promoting sustainable development globally.
The conveners invite abstracts on both practical and theoretical aspects of Geoethics, including case studies. The aim of the session is to develop ethical and social perspectives on the challenges arising from human interaction with natural systems, to complement technical approaches and solutions, and to help to define an ethical framework for geoscientists' research and practice in addressing these challenges.
The session is promoted by the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics (http://www.geoethics.org).
15 April 2015: 13:30-17:00/Room R12
15 April 2015: posters attendance 17:30-19:00/Red Posters area
(Nic Bilham)
Institutional initiatives in professional scientific ethics: three case studies
(Edmund Nickless and Nic Bilham)
Abiding by codes of ethics and codes of conduct imposed on members of learned and professional geoscience institutions and – a tiresome formality or a win-win for scientific and professional integrity and protection of the public?
(Ruth Allington and Isabel Fernandez)
The role of geoethics in the framework of a sustainable development of georesources supply
(Mauro Buttinelli, Salvatore Barba, Giuseppe Di Capua, and Silvia Peppoloni)
Story-telling, Earth-Sciences and Geoethics
(Martin Bohle, Anna Sibilla, and Robert Casals i Graells
(Geo)Ethics. Step 1: Preparedness
(Eduardo Marone)
Probabilistic vs deterministic views in facing natural hazards
(Massimo Arattano and Velio Coviello)
Social and ethical perspectives of landslide risk mitigation measures
(Bjørn Kalsnes and Bjørn V. Vangelsten)
Conducting research in risk communication that is both beneficial for stakeholders and scientists
(Marie Charrière, Thom Bogaard, Sandra Junier, Jean-Philippe Malet, and Erik Mostert)
The definitive analysis of the Bendandi's methodology performed with a specific software
(Adriano Ballabene, Paola Pescerelli Lagorio, and Teodoro Georgiadis)
Discourses and values underpin public debate on fracking in Spain: A case study at the crossroad
(Emilia Hermelinda Lopera Pareja, Ana García Laso, and Domingo Alfonso Martín Sánchez)
Geoethics. The risk and the rite
(Valeria Dattilo and Francesco De Pascale)
Bringing Geoethics into Society
(Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter Bobrowsky, Susan Kieffer, Silvia Peppoloni, and Stefano Tinti)
Two cultures are better than one: Earth sciences and Art for a better planet sustainability
(Tiziana Lanza, Giuliana Rubbia, and Aquiles Negrete)
A collaborative effort to build a modular course on Geoethics
(Vincent Cronin, Giuseppe Di Capua, Cindy Palinkas, Catherine Pappas Maenz, Silvia Peppoloni, and Anne-Marie Ryan)
Geoethics in communication of science: the relationship between media and geoscientists
(Franco Foresta Martin and Silvia Peppoloni)
Archipelago Tidal Flats in Korea: Sedimentological and Geoheritage Significance
(Kyung Sik Woo, SeungSoo Chun, and Kyong O Moon)
The Seismic risk perception in Italy deduced by a statistical sample
(Massimo Crescimbene, Federica La Longa, Romano Camassi, Nicola Alessandro Pino, Vera Pessina, Laura Peruzza, Loredana Cerbara, and Cristiana Crescimbene)
The growing impact of satellite data in daily life
(Salvatore Stramondo)
A lesson from science in polar extreme environments: ethics and social values for primary school
(Federica La Longa, Massimo Crescimbene, Lucilla Alfonsi, Vincenzo Romano, and Claudio Cesaroni)
Geoethics and hazard education. A comparison between Calabria (Southern Italy) and Malta
(Francesco De Pascale, Marcello Bernardo, Francesco Muto, Sebastiano D'Amico, and Rosarianna Zumbo)
The ESI scale, an ethical approach to the evaluation of seismic hazards
(Sabina Porfido, Rosa Nappi, Maddalena De Lucia, Germana Gaudiosi, Giuliana Alessio, and Luca Guerrieri)
Geoethics and pedagogy of mountain and risk: the case of transhumance in Sila (Southern Italy)
(Marcello Bernardo, Francesco Muto, and Francesco De Pascale)
The silent buzz of geosciences: the challenge of geosciences communication in the Italian framework
(Elena Rapisardi, Sabina Di Franco, and Marco Giardino)
Geoethical considerations in early warning of flooding and landslides: Case study from Norway
(Graziella Devoli, Ingeborg Kleivane Krøgli, Mads Peter Dahl, Hervé Colleuille, Søren Nykjær Boje, and Monica Sund)
Research and dissemination: an ethical way to prevention
(Francesca Lugeri and Piero Farabollini)