Archive news
This page collects old posts (2018-2025) from the homepage.
- Archive news 2017
- Archive news 2016
- Archive news 2015

IAPG and IUSS signed a MoU
The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) and the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in May 2023.
Both organizatons agreed that IUSS and IAPG are facing a future of challenging soil and geologic resources use and management issues. IUSS and IAPG will use their best effort to promote the formal co-operation by obtaining the necessary support for envisaged activities. The partnership generally aims at developing new knowledge, sharing experiences, and distributing knowledge and skills for the benefit of the whole world.
The IUSS is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities.
Survey on The Culture and Ethics of Geologic Sampling
(by Marjorie Chan and David Mogk, USA)
We invite you to participate in a survey on The Culture and Ethics of Geologic Sampling that is being conducted on behalf of the Geological Society of America (GSA) to collect information to better understand geologists’ attitudes about, and practices of, geologic sampling.
This topic is particularly important in a time of increased pressures on natural systems, decreased accessibility to field sites, degradation of irreplaceable geological resources, and raised international awareness of the importance of geoheritage, geodiversity, and geoconservation.
Responsible sampling is relevant to protecting important geoheritage sites, being respectful of indigenous cultures, and in consideration of other societal issues.
Yuriy Kostyuchenko passed away on 16 March 2023
We are sad to inform you that our friend and colleague Yuriy Kostyuchenko passed away on 16 March 2023.
Yuriy has been the coordinator of IAPG-Ukraine for years and has contributed to many initiatives and projects of the IAPG.
We would have met him this year at the EGU23 where he would have contributed to the EOS4.1 session on geoethics organized by the IAPG.
Yuriy died in Vienna, after a long illness. He had left Ukraine after the invasion of Russia to keep his family safe from the bombs and to continue to get medical treatments.
His commitment, his smile, his profound culture, his friendship, his kindness, his honesty will be missed and in this sad moment we feel an unfillable void.
We extend our deepest condolences to his family and want to express affection and closeness to his loved ones.
Bye Yuriy, we will miss you.
Yuriy Kostyuchenko's scientific profile:
Minigeology interviewed Peter Bobrowsky on geoethics
Peter Bobrowsky (IAPG Continental Coordinator for North America) was interviewed by Daniel Minisini (Minigeology).
Here the link to the video recording on YouTube of the full interview to Peter Bobrowsky:
This is the trailer of the interview:
Peter discussed on activities of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics ( and about important ethical issues related to Earth sciences.
Minigeology is a square where you meet protagonists and other characters related to Geology. Daniel Minisini interviews them to uncover their mindset, discover how they approach a problem, their work, life, and then he shares with the community. His interviews help geologists to understand the relationships of Geology with other scientific disciplines and with different aspects of life. He dedicates these stories to listeners that have the curiosity and the patience to listen. Minigeology is informal, unedited and spontaneous, but full of content and dedicated to top notch geologists and institutions dedicated to geology.
Here some more info:
YouTube channel of the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics:
IAPG endorses the Jena Declaration
The Executive Council of the IAPG decided to endorse the Jena Declaration (TJD).
The Jena Declaration (TJD) establishes guidelines and practices to accelerate progress to attain the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It calls for enabling fundamental change in the everyday actions of hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Specifically, the declaration aims to stimulate more culturally-sensitive policies and programs that enhance, promote and facilitate grass roots movements that lie at the heart of such mobilization. By respecting cultural and regional diversities, the aim is to exceed the expectations of the UN SDGs before 2030, and to set the table for even greater success with each successive decade.
The Jena Declaration was organized by the UNESCO-Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability (University of Jena, Germany) in March 2021 and is available in English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese.
IAPG is partner of the Earth Future Festival (EFF)
The Earth Futures Festival aims to raise international awareness of the role of Earth Science (geoscience) in our sustainable future. Geoscience is key to understanding the relationships between the planet’s physical and biological systems, human interaction with the environment and climatic impacts. It is essential to reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, plays a vital role in disaster risk reduction and is critical in achieving the Paris Climate Agreement. The festival is a global collaboration to showcase how geoscience is addressing current sustainability challenges through media, with a key focus on education, diversity and inclusion. The festival aims to educate and inspire others, create diverse role models, motivate positive global change and attract a diverse range of people towards both study and careers in the field of geoscience.
All information about the Earth Future Festival are available on the EFF website. Don't miss this event!
IAPG is partner of EFF from April 2022.
- Video
- Flyer
The Earth Futures Festival is actively seeking video submissions on the topic of geoscience within the themes Dynamic Earth, Earth Futures and Human Connection.
The International Geodiversity Day was established by UNESCO
The International Geodiversity Day was established on 23 November 2021 by the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference!!
From now on, the 6th of October will be an annual worldwide celebration, raising awareness across society about the importance of non-living nature for the well-being and prosperity of all living beings on the planet!
The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics was among the organizations supporting the proposal submitted to UNESCO.
23-27 November 2023
Lima (Peru)
MinerLima 2022
This is the 8th edition of the International Minerals and Rocks Exhibition in Lima (Peru), organized by IAPG-Peru.
MinerLima is an event to disseminate the Peruvian mineralogical heritage, through an exhibition of minerals and rocks, short courses, conferences and workshops (for children and the general public), geological excursions and even more. The most important goal of this event is to educate the Peruvian citizens on geoscience as well as to create links between the geoscience community and society.
MinerLima is organized by IAPG-Peru at the Parque Alfredo Salazar, Miraflores, Lima. Everybody is invited to be part of this event. The entrance is free.
After the official inauguration of MinerLima 2022 on 10 June 2022, conferences on geoethics, deontology in geosciences, geology, crystallography, petrology, litho-geochemistry, paleontology have been held by experts, among them the event "The new Socio-environmental Challenges in Las Bambas Mining" ("Los nuevos Retos Socio-ambientales en la Minera Las Bambas", in Spanish) held on 30 September 2022 at Museo de Minerales Andrés del Castillo in Lima.
In addition, with the support of the IAPG-Peru student chapters, workshops and competitions for school children on the Universe, volcanoes, earthquakes, mass movements, minerals and the identification of rocks have been organized. The have already been studied, soon the theme will include. Students were also involved in choosing the mascot of MinerLima 2022 through a public contest.
Among the other activities planned there is a field trip that will be announced on the official Facebook page of the “Feria Internacional de Minerales de Lima”:
Details about the program are available on the MinerLima website:
MinerLima 2022 and IAPG-Peru wait you in Lima!
28 June 2022
Peter Bobrowsky awarded by the IUGS
The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is very happy for Peter Bobrowsky (IAPG Vice President) who received an award of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences for his long and valuable service to the Union.
Congratulations Peter!
28 June 2022
Croatian Geological Society supports the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics and provided its translation in Croatian
Hrvatsko Geološko Društvo (HGD) (Croatian Geological Society) is the 28th geoscience organization that supports the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics. This important document contains the Geoethical Promise.
Thanks to Dr. Zoran Peh (HGD) the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics and the Geoethical Promise are now available also in Croatian. The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics is translated in 36 languages.
5 May 2022
With great sadness we inform that our dear colleague and friend Chris King is no longer with us. Chris passed away on 17th February 2022.
Chris leaves a huge void in all of us.
The IAPG expresses closeness and the deepest condolences to his wife, his sons and all his loved ones.
Chris was a great geoscientist, who devoted a large part of his brilliant career to geoeducation and to teach geosciences to young people: a great example for all those who believe in the responsibility to transfer knowledge to future generations and contribute to make the world better.
In 2018, the IAPG awarded Chris the first Geoethics Medal, with the following motivation:
"for his valuable contribution in promoting Earth Sciences in society by introducing innovative methods and tools to teaching, aiming at the proactive involvement of end-users based on developing their critical thinking and observational scientific approaches.
Chris King teaches (geo)scientific methods and geological knowledge in an easy, attractive and passionate way, through which he offers clear and careful explanations of geological observations without trivializing the content whilst always paying great attention to the quality of the scientific discourse.
His efforts in promoting geoeducation are much more than a mission to disseminate Earth Sciences knowledge among students and the general public: Chris King is an excellent example of a geologist who feels and practices his geological activity as a geoethical duty towards society."
A short video to remember the delivery of the Medal to Chris on 27 February 2019, in Beijing (China):

IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with GSAf
On 19 November 2020, the IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with the GSAf - Geological Society of Africa. The agreement expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics. It helps to assure a continued IAPG – GSAf cooperation and coordination on issues of common interests in Africa, in particular, the following: Theoretical aspects of geoethics; Analyses of geoethical problems and dilemmas, also through case-studies; Co-organization of scientific events on geoethics; Production of relevant publications. GSAf agrees to support the "Cape Town Statement on Geoethics" (that contains the Geoethical Promise) and to be included in the list of 27 supporting organizations of the statement.
25 January 2022

Questionnaire "Geoethics in the Geosciences"
16 November 2021
Which is the the geoscience community's perception and awareness on the importance of the ethical and social aspects of geoscience research and practice?
The online questionnarie "Geoethics in the Geosciences" is the tool for investigating this perception and awareness in this international survey conducted by the IAPG.
Everyone can fill in the questionnaire anonymously, since its structure allows compilers to fill in it as individuals in the performance of their institutional/professional activities, without implying personal data or information related to their private life.
This international survey is partially funded by the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences.
The questionnaire will be disseminated within the international geoscience community, also through the help of the geoscience partner organizations of the IAPG.
Everyone is invited to fill in the questionnaire. Help us in this international survey. Share the link to fill in the questionnaire with your colleagues.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
The questionnaire can fill in here:
16 November 2021
New IAPG expert on Geoethics in Speleology
Mike Buchanan has been appointed as IAPG expert on "Geoethics in Speleology".
Mike has thirty years' experience as speleologist, karstologist. He has focused his interest on the management and conservation of karst groundwater systems and their subterranean component. He has professional experience in the exploration of caves and confined spaces; groundwater tracing and vulnerability mapping of karst freshwater aquifers, in relation to catchments; pollution point source identification by chemical analysis.
He was co-author of The Management of Karst Landscapes and Caves for UNESCO Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site 2002.
IAPG-Iran has a new coordinator
Parviz Armani has been appointed new coordinator of IAPG-Iran. He replaces Nima Nezafati. The IAPG wishes to thank Nima for chairing this section and for her work in representing IAPG in Iran from July 2021.
Parviz Armani (formerly Ghazanfari) completed his primary and secondary education in schools in Tehran (Iran). He received his bachelor's degree in geology from the University of Tabriz. After that, he worked for more than eight years in the Ministry of Jihad Sazandegi in Tehran (Water Resources Engineering Services company and Water Resources Engineering Services Company) as an expert, project manager, manager of geology department and the manager of planning and training. He received his master's degree in sedimentology and sediment rocks from Kharazmi University in Tehran. The subject of his thesis was sedimentology of Mozduran oil reservoir rock in northeastern Iran. He joined the Department of Geology of Tabriz University in 1993. After six years of teaching and research, he received a scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran to continue his doctoral studies at Delhi University in India. After receiving his PhD in sedimentology and sedimentary geochemistry, he returned to Iran and worked at the University of Tabriz. At the request of the Geology Department of Imam Khomeini International University, he started his cooperation with this university as a visiting professor. He joined the Imam Khomeini International University in 2008 and was the Head of the Geology Department for four years in this University.
IAPG-Iran is one of the thirty-second section of the IAPG.
IAPG-Peru has a new coordinator
Pedro Isique has been appointed new coordinator of IAPG-Peru. He replaces Carlos Toledo Gutierrez. IAPG wishes to thank Carlos for the excellent job he has done in the last 2 years, strengthening the IAPG-Peru's position as the leading group actively promoting geoethics in South America. Pedro is a geologist with experience in applied Geology, Environmental Geology, Environmental vulnerability of water sources, Quarry Research and sources of construction materials. He worked in all regions of Peru, as well as in Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Angola (Africa). Currently, he is President of the XX Peruvian Congress of Geology (2021).
IAPG-Peru is one of the thirty-second section of the IAPG.
International Geoethics Day 2021:
Geoethics enhances the value of Geodiversity
14 October 2021
To celebrate the 5th edition of the International Geoethics Day , send an email to with a photo of you together with a geological item of the place where you live (outcrop, rock, mineral, fossil, geological landscape and/or process). In alternative, post your photo on social media by using the hashtag: #geoethicsday2021.
Moreover, if you want to organize an event (conference, webinar, seminar, field trip, etc.) to celebrate the International Geoethics Day, please inform the IAPG Secretariat by sending an email to: IAPG will be happy to promote your event.
Hashtag: #geoethicsday2021
16 November 2021
Geoethics at the vEGU21: Gather Online
2 August 2021
This year we celebrate 10 years of sessions on geoethics organized by the IAPG at the EGU General Assembly! Know more here
Watch also the video on the side!
26 April 2021 - 09:00-10:30 CEST
Session EOS4.2: Geoethics: Geosciences serving Society (Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua). This session is organized by the IAPG.
26 April 2021 - 14:15-17:00 CEST
Session EOS3.2: Climate literacy: Learning, education, methods and roadmaps (Convenership: David Crookall, Giuseppe Di Capua, Lydie Lescarmontier, Robin Matthews, Frank Niepold). This session is sponsored by the IAPG.
29 April 2021 - 10:00-11:00 CEST
Short Course SC4.4: Foundations and Perspectives of Geoethics for Earth, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences - In memoriam of Jan Boon (Convenership: Eduardo Marone, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni). This short course is organized by the IAPG and IOI-TC-LAC.
More about these sessions and the short course:
The video of the Lecture on "Geoethics: Integrity and Ethics in Science in Higher Education"
2 August 2021
The video recording of the Lecture by John Geissman (University of Texas at Dallas; IAPG Geoethics Medal 2020), held on 4 January 2021, is available in the webpage of the University of Potsdam (Germany) and the IAPG YouTube channel:
​ (University of Potsdam)
​ (IAPG YouTube Channel)
UNESCO Lecture Series: Earth Materials for a Sustainable and Thriving Society
The IAPG is media partner of the Lecture Series, organized by UNESCO in collaboration with IUGS and iCRAG.
Minerals and other Earth materials are a key component in the development of a sustainable global society, providing essential raw materials for technologies and economic growth while respecting the natural world. This programme of lectures, designed for a global audience, will provide diverse perspectives on Earth materials and their role in society. Leading natural scientists, social scientists, and educators will look at how Earth materials are critical to a sustainable future and how the minerals sector, adhering to best practices, can contribute to society in a socially and environmentally positive way.
The lectures were delivered in webinar format by recognized global experts who framed their presentations in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Series had the goal to boost knowledge of Earth materials and contribute to better informed local, regional, and international discussions. The lectures were freely accessible.
2 August 2021
26 January 2021 - 9 March 2021
Click here
All sessions will be conducted in English with live captioning in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Swahili, and Hindi.
Download the information flyer
Queries about the series
Framework for Addressing Racial and Ethnic Equity in Geosciences Professional Societies
2 August 2021
The IAPG is a formal signatory of the AGI - American Geosciences Institute document that sets a framework for geoscience societies to proactively cultivate an inclusive profession that both addresses systemic issues and sets priorities aimed at increasing equity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) geoscientists and addressing issues of intersectionality among race, class, disability status and gender.
Workshop on Geodiversity
The workshop will be held online on 16 April 20201 (14:00 BST) and will be free for all to attend. The event is hosted by the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, and funded by Research England's Strategic Priorities Fund allocation to the University of Oxford.
The IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics is a supporting organization of this event.
Read more about the Promoting Geodiversity Workshop:
Final programme: download here (pdf file)
Recording of the two sessions:
2 August 2021
Open letter by IAPG-Peru on Peruvian paleontological heritage
8 April 2021
The open letter by IAPG-Peru (in Spanish) warns about the proposal for a Law on the Paleontological Heritage of Peru: recent parliamentary initiatives proposed that the administration of paleontological heritage is assigned to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. Fossil protection would be assigned to personnel with no expertise in paleontology. In this perspective the use of fossils for scientific purposes would be strongly hampered. For these and other reasons, this law will be detrimental to scientific development in Paleontology, leading to arbitrariness, bureaucracy and corruption. Within this framework, the Open Letter of IAPG Peru calls for action by citizens and authorities to consider fossils as a scientific heritage.
Download the open letter by IAPG-Peru

Picture credit:
IAPG-Bangaldesh has a new co-coordinator
8 April 2021
Abdul Baquee Khan Majlis has been appointed new co-coordinator of IAPG-Bangladesh. He will lead the section together with Jahangir Alam, and replaces Ershadul Haque. The IAPG wishes to thank Ershadul Haque for the great work done to establish the section and to start promoting geoethics in Bangladesh, giving great visibility to our Association within the local geoscience community. He will still continue to serve the IAPG as prominent member.
IAPG-Bangladesh is one of the thirty-second section of the IAPG.
Photo contest of the ENGIE project
In the frame of the project ENGIE - Encouraging Girls to Study Geosciences and Engineering, a Video contest for 12-18 old girls in Europe has been organized.
Girls participating in the contest can submit short videos about what they think geologists do at work.
Detailed information about this action is available at the ENGIE website:
1 February 2021
IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with SGCh
20 November 2020
On 15 July 2020, the IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with the SGCh - Sociedad Geológica de Chile.
The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Chile.
SGCh agrees to support the "Cape Town Statement on Geoethics" (that contains the Geoethical Promise) and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.
Since SGCh established a Geoethics Group in 2019, that expressed the interest to act in Chile as a section of the IAPG, both parties agree to officially recognizes the Geoethics Group of the SGCh as the Chilean section of the IAPG (IAPG-Chile).
Welcome to IAPG-Chile!
19 November 2020
The section is officially established on 15 July 2020 and will work under the responsibility of Luisa Pinto Lincoñir (University of Chile).
IAPG-Chile is also the Geoethics Group of the Chilean Geological Society (SGCh), as established by the agreement signed on 15 July 2020 by the IAPG and the SGCh.
IAPG-Chile is the thirty-second section of the IAPG.
John W. Geissman is awarded the Geoethics Medal 2020
"In recognition of career-long dedication to the highest ethical standards and practices of the geoscience profession, John W. Geissman has earned recognition as the IAPG 2020 Geoethics medalist. ....."
John was one of the early innovators who has advocated for inclusion of geoethics instruction into classes across the geoscience curriculum—an essential contribution to the long-term health and growth of the geoscience professions. And, John has addressed the persistent issues of diversity and equity in the geosciences, particularly as these affect women and people from underrepresented populations.
18 November 2020
Webinar on geoethics for the International Geoethics Day 2020
18 October 2020, 17:00-18:30 CEST
The Early Career Scientists Team (ECST) of the IAPG organizes a webinar to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2020.
Teams Live link:
3 November 2020
School on Geoethics and Natural Issues
On 20 July 2019, Peter T. Bobrowsky, Giuseppe Di Capua, and Silvia Peppoloni have founded the School on Geoethics and Natural Issues (Schola de Geoethica et Naturae Quaestionibus), in short the "Schola".
Dr. PhD Silvia Peppoloni is the Director of the "Schola".
The "Schola" aims to provide excellent education in geoethics, thus promoting the development of a scientific and critical attitude to the knowledge of the Earth and its constituent systems, by fostering a growth of awareness and responsibility towards the planet, education in the values and actions underlying a respect for ecosystems, including responsible use of resources, management of natural risks, reduction of pollution and its repercussions on human health and climate, adaptation to environmental changes, in view of an accountable and ecologically sustainable development.
27 October 2020
IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with APG
On 13 July 2020, the IAPG signed an agreement for cooperation with the APG - Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos.
The aim of this agreement is to develop a coordinated activity for promoting initiatives and events discussing the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences in Portugal.
APG agrees to support the "Cape Town Statement on Geoethics" (that contains the Geoethical Promise) and to be included among the list of supporting organizations of the statement.
27 October 2020
We will miss him!
This is a sad news for the IAPG geoethics family.
Our friend and colleague Jan Boon passed away peacefully in the evening of July 22, 2020.
People of such human qualities like Jan are not common and if we all were like him, we would not need to promote geoethics.
Jan was a pillar of the IAPG:
- co-coordinator of IAPG-Canada (;
- member of the IAPG Task Group on Responsible Mining (;
- IAPG representative at CFES (Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences:;
- author of the first book published in the SpringerBriefs in Geoethics (
Our condolences to his family.
26 July 2020

26 July 2020
Online Keynote speech at the EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online:
Geoscientists as social and political actors (by Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General)
Online event, 4 May 2020 (16:15-17:45 CEST): Open to anyone and free of charge
Union Symposium 1 (US1): "Best practices for scientific integrity and scientific freedom in an age of pandemics - and beyond"
Co-sponsored by EGU, AGI, AGU, AOGS, GSA, GSL, JpGU
Video (you can see and hear Silvia speaking from minute 37:23):
Silvia's abstract:
Download the US1 summary:
Read the list of keynote speeches and their abstracts in US1:
26 July 2020
International Online Congress GEOETH&GWM’20:
Geoethics & Groundwater Management: Theory and Practice for a Sustainable Development
Porto (Portugal), 18-22 May 2020
The joint event IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and IAH - International Association of Hydrogeologists is an excellent occasion for discussing and sharing values, best practices and strategies to manage water resources for a sustainable future.
Important news due to the Covid-19 (posted on 9 April 2020):
How to access the online Congress:
Online event, 02:30-04:30 pm (IST): Open to anyone and free of charge
Organized by IAPG-India and hosted by the School of Earth and Environmental Science, Amity University Haryana (India).
Among the speakers, Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General), Surya Parkash (IAPG-India Coordinator), Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer).
The symposium registration URL for participants is
Download the programme
17 June 2020
EGU has cancelled the physical General Assembly 2020 in Vienna.
Read more here:
This year EGU 2020 will be "EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online" (#shareEGU20).
IAPG organizes the following events at the "EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online" (3-8 May 2020):
Session EOS5.1 "Geoethics: how and why should geosciences serve society?"
​Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Daniel De Miguel, Eduardo Marone, Susanne Schneider, Giuseppe Di Capua
Displays: Thursday, 07 May 2020, 08:30–10:15 (CEST), text-based chat
Read more about this text-based chat session
27 authors presented their works on many issues of interest for geoethics, 78 participants in the chat, many participants actively involved in the chat discussion, a lot of questions.
It was not easy to manage the session and giving time to all, despite the great difficulties of the Q&A phase to be carried out only as a text-based chat.
Silvia Peppoloni, with the help of Nic Bilham, Eduardo Marone, and Daniel De Miguel, led the group across this new challenge and it was successful.
Thank you!!!
We remind you that abstracts, presentation materials, and discussion about each work will be online till 31 May 2020:
9 June 2020

The section is officially established on 27 November 2019 and will work under the responsibility of Yüksel Örgün Tutay (Istanbul Technical University - ITU, left photo) and Dündar ÇaÄŸlan (Turkish Chamber of Geological Engineers, right photo).
14 February 2020
Njilah Isaac Konfor has been appointed new co-coordinator of IAPG-Cameroon. He will lead the section together with the current coordinator, Ndzishepngong Kelvin Ngwang.
Njilah Isaac is a Cameroonian Associate Professor of Geology with expertise in Geochemistry, Environmental Science and Disaster Risk Management. He obtained his MSc and PhD from the University of Leeds (UK), and completed the Advanced Course in Geographical Information System (GIS), GPS and Remote Sensing, and the Advanced Professional training in the field of Integrated Groundwater Management.
He has held several managerial positions including: Coordinator of Lake Nyos Project "Securisation and socioeconomic Reintegration of the Lake Nyos Area Cameroon" piloted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Deputy Secretary General of the Geological Society of Africa (1999-2003); President/Coordinator of the Cameroon Association for Young Scientists (CAMAYS); UNDP (2010): Cartography and coordination of the elaboration of Disaster Relief Operational Plan (Plan ORSEC) for Menchum Division, Cameroon; Principal Geologist in charge of Identification of Risk Zones in Cameroon. (Prospection, inventory, cartography of risk zones), piloted by the UNDP; Lead consultant for the drafting of the National Programme for the Prevention and Management of Catastrophes in Cameroon (PNPGC), UNDP/MINAT; Coordinator of the International Network for Young Scientists Cameroon; Coordinator and Chairman of the Environmental Protection and Catastrophe Management (EPCAM), Cameroon; Coordinator of the Cameroon Association for Young Scientists (CAMAYS); UNESCO Nairobi Office: Evaluation of the vulnerability of the population around Lake Nyos and Mt. Cameroon to toxic gas emissions and volcanic eruptions. He is the Editor of the African Journal of Science and Technology (UNESCO Journal) and the Journal of the Geosciences Society of Cameroon. Since 1992 till date, he serves as a lecturer in Geology, Geo-environmental Sciences and Geochemistry at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon.
14 February 2020
The NKUA-APRL and the IAPG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 30 September 2019.
The aim of the MoU is to cooperate on developing empirical and/or theoretical research in the areas of geoethics and bioethics, and to coordinate activities aimed at promoting the discussion on the ethical, social and cultural implications of geosciences and biosciences.
9 December 2019
We are pleased to inform that the Geoethics Medal 2019 of the IAPG has been awarded to Linda Gundersen, scientist emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey, "for her unselfish work and scholarly contributions in leading the advancement in scientific integrity and professional ethics in the geosciences. Gundersen’s transformative work across governmental, academic, non-profit, and private institutions has made her one of the world’s leading authorities in “geoethical” scholarship, policy and practice. Linda Gundersen was one of the early leaders in proactively promoting what is now called geoethics. She created and was first Director of the USGS Office of Science Quality and Integrity, implementing bureau-wide programs in scientific integrity, ethics, publication, research excellence, post-doctoral fellows, youth internships, education, and Tribal relations. Since retiring in 2012 she has dedicated her time to promoting scientific integrity, ethics, and diversity in the geosciences, including leading and/or influencing major ethics policy revisions at the American Geophysical Union, the American Geosciences Institute, The Geological Society of America, and the U.S. National Academies of Sciences. Linda sets the example for highest standard of geoethics service, practice, and scholarly excellence."
18 November 2019
Lima (Peru), 24-26 October 2019
5th edition of MinerLima, International Exhibition of Minerals (Feria Internacional de Minerales), organized by IAPG-Peru.
Venue: Faculty of Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geography engineering from National University of San Marcos - UNMSM (San Miguel District, Lima-Peru).
Activities planned: symposium and conferences on mineralogy, exhibition of mineral samples, geoscience education events, courses, guided tours at the UNMSM mineralogical museum.
Coordinator: Ciro Bedia (IAPG-Peru).
- Facebook page
- Blog
- Website
12 November 2019
International Geoethics Day 2019: Seed Today... for the future!
17 October 2019
Hashtag: #geoethicsday2019
Soil, air and water pollution, land degradation, biodiversity loss, global warming, are among the main threats for human communities.
The International Geoethics Day 2019 aims to raise people's awareness and responsibility on anthropogenic global changes, trying to change the way in which we relates to our planet.
In order to celebrate the 3rd edition of the International Geoethics Day we ask you to:
1) seed or plant something in the ground (trees, flowers, plants, or shrubs);
2) use the IAPG label to tag what you have planted (possibly, print it on recycled paper or use the other side of an already printed sheet);
3) take a photo and post it on social networks, by using the hashtag "#geoethicsday2019".
In the IAPG label you find this sentence: “This is the contribution of the IAPG to make better our future on Earth”.
This event is included in the Earth Science Week 2019 and the Global Ethics Day 2019.
12 November 2019
International Geoethics Day 2019
International Geoethics Day 2019
23 August 2019
Nima Nezafati is the new coordinator of IAPG-Iran. Nima is Assistant Professor of Economic Geology (and Archaeometry) at the Department of Earth Sciences of the Islamic Azad University, Tehran (Iran). Nima replaces our two former co-coordinators, Vahid Ahadnejad and Sedigheh Seifilaleh. Nima has a BSc in Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran; MSc in Economic Geology, Research Institute for Earth Sciences (affiliated to the Geological Survey of Iran), Tehran, Iran; PhD in Mineralogy (Economic Geology and Archaeometry) at University of Tübingen, Germany; postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Heidelberg, Institute of Earth Sciences and the Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum-Archäometrie (Mannheim), Germany; postdoctoral research fellow at the German Mining Museum and the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany. Currently, he is Head of Department of Earth Sciences at the "Science and Research Branch" of the Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Congratulations to Nima and great thanks to Vahid and Sedigheh who established the section and contributed to increase the number of IAPG members in Iran.
Panel presentation script for the Geoscience & Society Summit
18-21 March 2019, Stockholm (Sweden)
(by Vincent Cronin, USA)
" ... I assert that geoscientists have a moral imperative to work with and on behalf of this disadvantaged population as we find our way through these crises ... "
Read the article in the IAPG Blog
12 August 2019
"... our future on this planet needs an assumption of responsibility by all ..."
AGU - American Geophysical Union interviewed Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) for Earth Day celebrated on 22 April 2019 and AGU's Centennial.
14 June 2019
Maria Triantaphyllou has been appointed new co-coordinator of IAPG-Greece. She will lead the section together with Gerassimos Papadopoulos.
Maria is Full Professor of Micropaleontology-Paleoenvironment-Stratigraphy at the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA, Greece) and Invited Professor in the postgraduate program of the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Lille (France).
14 June 2019
Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General, and Mauro Soldati, IAG President, signed the MoU. The MoU expresses a mutual desire to cooperate on a range of themes in the field of Geoethics.
29 May 2019
16 April 2019
"For his valuable contribution in promoting Earth Sciences in society by introducing innovative methods and tools to teaching, aiming at the proactive involvement of end-users based on developing their critical thinking and observational scientific approaches.
Chris King teaches (geo)scientific methods and geological knowledge in an easy, attractive and passionate way, through which he offers clear and careful explanations of geological observations without trivializing the content whilst always paying great attention to the quality of the scientific discourse.
His efforts in promoting geoeducation are much more than a mission to disseminate Earth Sciences knowledge among students and the general public: Chris King is an excellent example of a geologist who feels and practices his geological activity as a geoethical duty towards society."
Read more about Chris King
Carlos Toledo Gutierrez is the new coordinator of IAPG-Peru from 1 January 2019. He is Geological Engineer, Magister in History, graduated with a master's degree in Engineering and Philosophy. Bachelor of Education, specialty history and geography and environmental education. Currently PhD studies in Philosophy. He is University professor and academic coordinator at the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya Jesuitas University and at the National University of San Marcos, and professor at the EAP Geological Engineering. He is also external mining consultant of EGEMASS - The Mining Society. Carlos Toledo Gutierrez takes over from Sandra Paula Villacorta Chambi in chairing the IAPG-Peru section. IAPG wishes to thank Sandra Paula Villacorta Chambi for the excellent job she has done in the last years, that brought IAPG-Peru to become the most important reality in actively promoting geoethics in South America.
15 March 2019
Porto (Portugal), 14-18 January 2019
IAPG attends the 2nd workshop of the European project GOAL - Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning and is represented by Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General), Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG Treasurer), and Clara Vasconcelos (IAPG-Portugal co-coordinator). IAPG is partner of the project. The workshop is organized by the Portuguese team of the project and is entitled "Geoethics’ Syllabus and Geoethics in Geo-resources and Geoparks".
21 February 2019
4 January 2019
MinerLima 2018, International Exhibition of Minerals (Feria Internacional de Minerales), took place in Lima (Peru) from 22 to 24 November 2018.
Venue: Faculty of Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geography engineering from National University of San Marcos (San Miguel District, Lima-Peru).
Activities planned: short courses, conferences and workshops (for children and the general public), showcase (exhibition-sale of mineral samples), geological excursions and guided tours (post-event).
Organizers: Erika Gabriel, Sonia Bermudez, Hernán Parra, Edmundo Alfaro, Jorge Sáez, Diego Benites, Luis Araujo (IAPG-Peru).
MinerLima 2018, International Exhibition of Minerals (Feria Internacional de Minerales), took place in Lima (Peru) from 22 to 24 November 2018.
Venue: Faculty of Geology, Mining, Metallurgy and Geography engineering from National University of San Marcos (San Miguel District, Lima-Peru).
Activities planned: short courses, conferences and workshops (for children and the general public), showcase (exhibition-sale of mineral samples), geological excursions and guided tours (post-event).
Organizers: Erika Gabriel, Sonia Bermudez, Hernán Parra, Edmundo Alfaro, Jorge Sáez, Diego Benites, Luis Araujo (IAPG-Peru).
"SESIÓN TEMÁTICA (ST6): GEOÉTICA PALEONTOLÓGICA, EDUCACIÓN Y SOCIEDAD" (Geoethics in Paleontology, Education and Society)
César Augusto Chacaltana Budiel (IAPG-Peru) coordinates the session ST6.
Themes of the session ST6:
- Geoethics in the paleontological dissemination
- Paleontology in science education
- Paleontology and society
Round Table: "geoethics and paleontological practice for sustainable development".
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco (IAPG Board of Experts) will give a keynote speech in the session ST6 and will represent IAPG in the Round Table.
19 December 2018
7 December 2018
As announced by Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) at the 72nd IUGS EC meeting in Potsdam (Germany) on 22-26 January 2018, the “Geoethical Promise” has been included as official declaration during the ceremony for the geological master degree in the Italian Universities, thanks to the cooperation of the IAPG-Italy and the Italian Geological Society.
On 19 July 2018, the "Geoethical Promise" was read at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) during the cerimony of the master degree in geology.
This was a memorable event! We hope the "Geoethical Promise" will be adopted in many Universities all over the world!
We remind you that the "Geoethical Promise" (avalilable in 35 languages) is included in the "Cape Town Statement on Geoethics", that is supported by 20 geoscience organizations.
Silvia Peppoloni said that "... Who in these years has worked hard with me to achieve this result can understand the emotion that I have felt looking at these images, and also the joy and the awareness of having left a mark in the history of geosciences. ​I can only thank all those who have helped me, and in particular Prof. Sandra Piacente and Prof. Elisabetta Erba, not by chance two women: their sensitivity and support have made possible the officialization of this symbolic act, full of meaning for those like me who believe in the ethical and social value of our profession as geologists, in the cultural and educational power of our beloved geo-disciplines ..."
The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics is now available in 35 languages:
Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bengali, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sepedi, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu.
Translations have been possible thanks to a great job done by IAPG officers, members, and followers. The IAPG pubblication that collects all the translations is for free download and and can be cited as follows:
Currently, 20 geoscience organizations endorse or support the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics.
7 December 2018
25 October 2018
25 October 2018
The IAPG will celebrate the 2nd International Geoethics Day on 18 October 2018 .
As you know, this initiative was born in 2017 with the aim to raise the awareness of the geoscience community and society about the importance of geoethics.
The geoethics day falls during the Earth Science Week and close to the Global Ethics Day, and will be the occasion to strongly reaffirm the geoethical values in which we believe and that are the foundations of the IAPG.
Download the leaflet with the incipit of a statement: "geoethics is..."
Please, complete the sentence with one word, the word that you feel more appropriate, print the leaflet and take a picture of you with the leaflet in your hand well in evidence.
Finally, during the day of 18 October (not before!), post your picture on facebook and/or twitter and/or Linkedin, and use the hashtag: #geoethicsday2018
Download the leaflet (doc file)
An IAPG event to celebrate the International Geoethics Day 2018:
NGC1 - First Nigeria Geoethics Conference "Integrating Geoethics into the Extractive Industry Governance": 18-19 October 2018, Port Harcourt (Nigeria)

Supporting organizations:
1 October 2018
The section is chaired by Soumaya Ayadi-Maasri.
Soumaya Ayadi-Maasri, PhD, is a lecturer at the Saint Joseph University (Beirut), where she teaches and coordinates Geology and Environment at the faculties of sciences and engineering. She is also the president of ACE - Association for Community and Environment ( a non-profit organization, based in the southern City of Tyre in Lebanon that works on resilience projects with communities, and development and protection of cultural and natural heritage.
List of the IAPG sections:

Ruth Allington is Joint Senior Partner of GWP Consultants LLP, the firm she joined in 1981 immediately after graduating. She has a joint honours BSc from King’s College London in geology and geography and an MSc in engineering geology from Durham University.
Ever since graduating, she has participated in the geoscience community, initially through committee and Council service at the Geological Society of London (notably, Chair of the Engineering Group between 1998 and 2000, and Professional Secretary 2002-2005). She was a Council member of European Federation of Geologists (EFG) from 2002-2009 and President from 2009 to 2013. She is a member of the Pan European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC).
Ruth is committed to promoting the highest professional and technical standards amongst geologists and others involved in the application of geoscience to construction and solid mineral extraction, particularly through active participation in professional associations and societies and in the promotion of professional titles such as CGeol, CEng and EurGeol.
Read more about Ruth Allington
IAPG Board of Experts (Corresponding Citizen Scientists)
1 October 2018
The FCEA and the IAPG have signed an Agreement on Cooperation on 21 May 2018.
The Agreement expresses a mutual desire to co-operate on a range of issues in the field of geoethics and climate engineering. In particular, IAPG and FCEA will promote the discussion about topics related to social, ethical, political, and legal implications of emerging technologies that fall under the broad rubric of climate engineering (sometimes referred to as “climate geoengineering” or “climate intervention”).
26 September 2018
The section is co-chaired by Michèle Barbier and David Crookall
26 September 2018
Working in marine sciences for 20 years, Michèle Barbier has developed multidisciplinary skills. Scientist and Manager, she is now Independent Ethics Adviser and founder of the Institute for Science & Ethics. David Crookall, PhD, FRSA, has worked all his life in the experiential learning dimensions of geosciences. After working in various universities in France, USA and Singapore, he has recently retired from the Université Côte d'Azur, but continues to fight for environmental justice, especially through learning and education - which he calls geo-edu-ethics.​
List of the IAPG sections:
Campinas (Brazil), 22-27 July 2018
26 September 2018
IAPG is partner of the eighth edition of the Quadrennial Conference of the International Geoscience Education Organization – IGEO and eighth National Symposium of Earth Sciences Teaching and History. Thanks to Roberto Greco (IAPG continental coordinator for South America), geoethics was included among the themes of this event, in particular in the thematic line "Environmental Education, Education for Sustainability and Geoethics".
The call for abstracts is open.​
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco is a geologist and palaeontologist with graduate and doctorate degrees from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Since 1988 he is a Permanent Research Scientist of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), presently at the Institute of Geosciences (IGEO), Madrid (Spain). He is the chairman of the research group on the Perigondwanan marine Palaeozoic (CSIC Code 642852), corresponding academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Argentina, and honorary member of the Spanish Association of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists (AGGEP). He was Director of the Institute of Economic Geology (CSIC-UCM) from 2001‒2006 and former Vice-Chairman of the IUGS International Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (ICS-IUGS, 2004‒2012).​
Read more about Juan Carlos Gutiérrez-Marco
26 September 2018
The FORAM 18 pilot event on raw materials governance, scheduled on 27th June 2018 in Nancy (France), marks an important deliverable and milestone of the EU-funded project FORAM. It is a crucial step in this stakeholder process. Its main purpose is to deepen the insights from the dialogue by means of face-to-face discussions, build connections between people and create or strengthen ownership for improving global cooperation. The event will be an excellent opportunity for networking, for information exchange and for reaching out to the media and the public about the sense of urgency for the issues at stake. The IAPG has been invited to join the FORAM 18 pilot event. David Ovadia (IAPG-UK coordinator) will be representing the IAPG in this event. David is a British geologist with extensive experience in research, academia, geological surveys and the mining industry. He served as the Director of the British Geological Survey’s International Division until 2011.​
The IAPG report on the FORAM 18 pilot event (by David Ovadia)
16 July 2018
(by Vincent Cronin, co-coordinator of IAPG-USA)
"I was offered the opportunity to address the 2017 Workshop for Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Sciences Departments at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in New Orleans last week (
I have posted the substance of my brief presentation about "steps to improve awareness of geoethics in your department" at That page has a number of links to resources that you might find interesting or useful.
I would be interested in having you read through the materials I have posted there, think about how you can help move this work forward, and then share your ideas, suggestions, and links to useful applied-ethics resources. You can post your contributions to IAPG ( directly or through its social media outlets (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.). This should be a shared effort to facilitate the ethical development of our geoscience community.
Facilitating the development of ethical geoscientists is the responsibility of all of us".
11 July 2018
Valparaiso (Chile), 8 January - 2 February 2018
2 July 2018
IAPG is partner of a traning course on "Ocean Governance, Sciences, Geoethics" organized by the International Ocean Institute (IOI) - Training Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean. This course is hosted by the Universidad de Playa Ancha - UPLA, at the Centro De Estudios Avanzados of UPLA. IAPG-Brazil (coordinator: Prof. Eduardo Marone) is in charge to preprare the module on geoethics in the training course.
More information

1 July 2018
Congratulations to our coordinator in Nigeria, Arinze Harrison Ikwumelezeh (Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja).
IAPG-Nigeria is legally recognized as a non-profit association with local registration n. CAC/IT/NO 84719.
Look at the new website of IAPG-Nigeria at:
7 June 2018
Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico, Peru (INGEMMET) is the 19th geoscience organization/institution to officially support the "Cape Town Statement on Geoethics".
Many thanks to Oscar Bernuy Verand, President of the INGEMMET Executive Council, and Sandra Villacorta, IAPG-Peru coordinator.
Read the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics​
23 May 2018
The call for abstracts was successful: 17 abstracts have been submitted
"... This session aims to bring together seismologists working in the fields of educational seismology, citizen seismology and geoethics. ..."
This session is supported by IAPG.

The International Network of Young and Early-Career Geoscientists (YES) and the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) have signed an agreement for cooperation on 5 February 2018.
The agreement expresses a mutual desire to officially co-operate on a range of themes in the field of geoethics as already done unofficially in the last years, in particular, to promote the discussion on geoethical issues among the international community of young and early-career Earth Scientists.
22 May 2018
Vienna (Austria), 8-13 April 2018
Session EOS4:
"Geoethics: ethical, social and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, communication, research and practice" (convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Martin Bohle, Giuseppe Di Capua, Eduardo Marone)
Oral presentations: 12 April 2018, 08:30-12:00; Room L7
Poster presentations: 12 April 2018, 08:00-19:30, attendance 13:30-15:00; Hall X1
Townhall Meeting TM11:
"Seeking Engagement and Input on Harassment and Workplace Climate Issues within the Geoscience Community" (convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nicholas T. Arndt, Pranoti Asher, Vincent Cronin, Chloe Hill, Mary Anne Holmes, Christopher Keane, Chris McEntee)
A joint event IAPG-AGI-AGU-EGU
Oral presentations: 10 April 2018, 19:00–20:00; Room G2
Splinter Meeting SMI28 (by invitations only):
"IAPG business meeting" (convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua)
11 April 2018, 15:30–17:00; Room 0.15
27 April 2018
27 April 2018
Yankho Naomi Kalebe (Malawi) and Patrick Bacirhonde Maheshe (Democratic Republic of Congo) have won the selection for the financial support for their abstracts submitted in the IAPG sessions on geoethics respectively at EGU 2018 and RFG 2018:
1) The significance of geoethical practices in Malawi: a case study of Globe Company and Kanyika area (by Yankho Naomi Kalebe) - Session EOS4 at EGU 2018.
2) Immobilization of heavy metals in acid mine Drainage: an environmental engineering remediation in DR Congo with geoethical implications (by Patrick Bacirhonde Maheshe and Kitae Baeka) - Session RS13 at RFG 2018.
IAPG has submitted its annual report to the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences, as affiliated organization. 2017 has been a new memorable year for IAPG and numerous activities have been already planned for 2018. Stay tuned!
Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General, gives a speech on the IAPG 2017 Annual Report of Activity and Plans for 2018 at the Executive Committee Meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences that is held at the Deutsches GeoforschungsZentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam (Germany), from 23 to 24 January 2018.
17 April 2018
Manuel João Florentino Gomes Abrunhosa graduated in Geology from the University of Porto (Portugal) in 1980. He obtained a Specialist degree in Hydrogeology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 1988.
The ethics at the science production and practical applications of the Earth Sciences has always been a concern and a guideline for his activities.
Read more about Manuel Abrunhosa
16 March 2018
A new IAPG section in Europe
19 February 2018
IAPG-United Kingdom will work under the responsibility of David Craig Ovadia, geologist with extensive experience in research, academia, geological surveys and the mining industry. David served as the Director of the British Geological Survey’s International Division until 2011. He is currently an Honorary Associate of the University of Dundee, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law.