Archive of events organized by IAPG before 2017: sessions/symposia on geoethics in meetings, conferences, congresses, seminars, lectures, other initiatives.
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Events before 2017
12-16 December 2016
San Francisco (USA)
IAPG-USA co-organizes the session:
PA12B: Geoethics and Scientific Integrity – The Keys to Advancing the Geosciences and a Healthy Planet
Monday, 12 December 2016: 10:20-12:20
Venue: Moscone South, 304

21 November 2016
CoV-9, Workshop on Geoethics
CoV-9: Cities on Volcanoes
Puerto Varas (Chile)
GEVAS Red Argentina and IAPG-Argentina organizes the Workshop 7 "Volcanic hazards and monitoring techniques for the protection of the population: Public Health, Geoethics, Communication and Education".
Monday, 21 November, from 19:00.
Venue: Patagonico hotel - Calbuco room, Puerto Varas (Chile).
Organizers: Elizabeth Rovere, Claudia Vaamonde, Marcelo Vazquez Herrera, Roberto Violante
11-13 November 2016
Feria Internacional de Minerales de Lima
Lima (Peru)
This event is organized by the IAPG-Peru (Sección Peruana de la International Association for Promoting Geoethics - SGP-SEGCGS) and the Peruvian Geological Society (SGP - Sociedad Geológica del Perú).
24 October 2016
Workshop on Geoethics in Nigeria
The importance of Geoethics in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria
Abuja (Nigeria)
IAPG-Nigeria cordially invites all geoscientists and the general public to its 1st sensitisation workshop where the proposed theme will be discussed by various speakers in order to promote the activities of IAPG through cooperating with National and International organisations whose aims are complementary to those of the Association.
Programme and book of abstracts (pdf file)
19 October 2016
Roundtable on Geoethics
XVIII Peruvian Congress of Geology
Lima (Peru)
From 15:40 to 17:15.
Title of the roundtable: "Geoethics in Peru: implications for Geosciences"
This event is organized by IAPG-Peru (SEGCGS-SGP).
Chairperson: Shianny Vasquez.
Venue: Hall Nro. Uno (Polideportivo) site of the Pontificia universidad católica del Perú - PUCP, Lima.
1-7 October 2016
8th Conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG)
Sibiu (Romania)
Title of the conference: "Building Bridges between Earth Scientists Worldwide: A Way for Promoting Peace and Strengthening Integration"
Conference sub-themes: Earth Science and its applications, Earth Science and Local Communities, Environment/Natural Hazards/ Medical Geology, Geoheritage, Geotourism and Geoparks, Women and Earth Sciences, Geo-Education, Geo- Ethics, Geo-Mining.
The IAPG is partner of the conference. The IAPG Secretary General, Silvia Peppoloni, has been included in the International Scientific Committee and will give a Lecture titled "Geoethics: a new perspective for geosciences".
Submit an abstract to: caawg8@gmail.com
Deadline: 31 May 2016
1-2 October 2016
International Conference in Nepal
International Conference "Mountains in the Changing World", organized by the Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences (KIAS)
Kathmandu (Nepal)
IAPG-Nepal coordinator, Shree Prasad Vista, gave a talk entitled "Cultural Geoethics for Soil Conservation in Hills and Mountains of Nepal"
IX Geological Congress of Spain organized by the Geological Society of Spain
Huelva (Spain)
IAPG-Spain proposes the symposium S6: "Geoética"
IAPG Convenership: Domingo Martín Sánchez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Fermín Villarroya Gil (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Emilia H. Lopera Pareja (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas).
Read more about the description of the symposium and about other information for submitting a paper
IX Congreso Geológico de España
12-14 September 2016

7-9 September 2016
88th Congress of the Italian Geological Society
Napoli (Italy)
IAPG-Italy session S36: "Geoethics: a new way of thinking and practicing geosciences".
IAPG Convenership: Stefano Tinti, Francesco De Pascale, Sabina Di Franco, Alessandra Magagna, Silvia Peppoloni.
10 oral and 4 poster presentations.
4-10 September 2016
35th General Assembly of the
European Seismological Commission
Trieste (Italy)
The IAPG promotes the session 04 "From school and citizen seismology to geoethics".
Convenership: Rémy Bossu, Paul Denton, Paul Earle, Giuseppe Di Capua.
Session description:
Internet and social networks have multiplied the direct interactions between individual seismologists and citizens. Observational seismology has entered schools where they can detect signals from large global earthquakes and do real science with real data. Doing real science is one of the goals of citizen science projects alongside augmenting data collection and crowdsourcing observations on earthquake phenomena. Today there is a convergence between scientific and educational seismology projects. Many institutes and individual scientists are active on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Smartphone apps are replacing websites as the main source of rapid earthquake information. Communication has also expanded from rapid information to time evolving hazard, risk and even operational earthquake forecasts. These developments change the way we, as scientists interact with society. They present significant opportunities to transfer the value of scientific research to citizens, in order to avoid or minimize risky interaction as demonstrated by the l’Aquila trial.
We invite papers on schools, citizen science or public communications initiatives as well as analysis of their ethical, social and cultural implications.
35th International Geological Congress (IGC)
Cape Town (South Africa)
The IAPG call for abstracts was successfull, with 37 abstracts accepted: 30 orals and 7 poster presentations scheduled into 6 oral sessions and 1 poster session. Moreover, IAPG has organized a panel session to discuss on several key topics of geoethics.
Session T12.3 "Geoethics - Teaching, Training and Communication".
Session T12.8 "Geoethics and Resources Needs for Future Generations - Part 1".
Session T12.9 "Geoethics and Resources Needs for Future Generations - part 2".
Poster Session T12.P2 "Global Geoscience Professionalism and Geoethics".
Sessions take place on 29, 30 and 31 August 2016 (Orals in the Room MR 2.41-2.43, Posters in the Exhibition area).
Session T12.3 is a joint initiative IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics and TG-GGP - Task Group on Global Geoscience Professionalism of the IUGS.
Sessions T12.8 and T12.9 are a joint initiative IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics, GSL - Geological Society of London, EFG - European Federation of Geologists and EGS - EuroGeoSurveys.
More information about the IAPG programme at the 35th IGC
35th IGC
27 August-4 September 2016
6 June 2016
Mesa Redonda "Geoética"
Event on Geoethics in Argentina: Geologist's Day (information in Spanish)
Chubut, Patagonia (Argentina)
Con motivo de la celebración del “Día del Geólogo”, la Cátedra de Geociencias, Facultad Ingeniería-UNPSJB, y el CPGCH realizarán una Mesa Redonda sobre “GEOETICA” en el marco de los lineamientos planteados por la Asociación Internacional para la Promoción de Geoética (IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoethics).
Esta actividad abierta a docentes, alumnos y a la comunidad, se desarrollará el Lunes 6 de Junio 2016 a las 18:00 hs en el Edificio de Aulas de la UNPSJB. KM4.Esquel. Chubut. Patagonia Argentina.
Más información: Geol. Msc. Leonardo Ferro (email: geociencias_esquel@hotmail.com)
25-26 May 2016
1st IARS International Conference:New Perspectives
1st International Conference of the Institute of African Research and Studies (IARS)
Cairo (Egypt)
The Conference is organized by the Institute of African Research and Studies (IARS), in collaboration with the Cairo University, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Egypt, Arabian Scientific Research Organization (ASRO), International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) and African Network for Geo-Education (ANGE).
IAPG organizes a round-table on geoethics for young geoscientists.
The main themes of the Conference are:
Natural Resources in Africa - New Perspectives.
Education in Africa - New Perspectives.
Community, Culture and health in Africa.
Future of Conflict and Peace building in Africa.
The Conference will be a platform for initiating a new vision in co-operation with African countries and improving relation through new perspectives by discussing the current situation and challenges, and will seek to share experience and best practices to promote the Egyptian role in Africa.
The main conclusions of the Conference will be reflected and incorporated into the declaration of the Institute to be considered and adopted by the participants at the Conference.
The working languages of the Conference will be: Arabic, English.
Download the Abstract template.
For more information visit the website: https://africaninstitutesite.wordpress.com/
17-22 April 2016
EGU General Assembly 2016
Vienna (Austria)
EGU European Geoscience Union
The IAPG organizes the
in the "Outreach, education, and media (OEM)" group of sessions.
Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Nic Bilham, Eduardo Marone, Marie Charrière, Tony Mayer
The session EOS5 is scheduled on Monday, 18 April 2016:
Orals: 08:30–12:00, Room 2.83 (Red Level)
Posters: a) Display time 08:00–19:30; b) Author in attendance: 13:30–15:00
9 April 2016
IAPG-Egypt lecture on geoethics
Cairo (Egypt)
Cairo University, Geology Department, Hall 21, from 13:00 to 14:00
IAPG-Egypt (coordinator: Kholoud Mohamed Abdelmaksoud) organizes a Lecture on Geoethics for geology students at the Faculty of Science of the Cairo University. The lecture is focused on what is geoethics and the IAPG - International Association for Promoting Geoetics.
Lima (Peru)
Auditorium of the SGP - Peruvian Geological Society
The creation of the specialized section "Geoethics, Geological Culture and Society (SEGCGS)" of the SGP - Peruvian Geological Society will be formalized on 6 April 2016, at the auditorium of the SGP. The specialized section was officially approved on 6 March 2016 by the Commission for Scientific and Academic Activities of the SGP.
This section is a joint initiative SGP-IAPG. SGP-SEGCGS is the Peruvian section of the IAPG. SGP-SEGCGS/IAPG-Peru will start its activities with a presentation titled "Geoethics: the importance of democratizing the geosciences in Peru" by Juan Carlos Alejandro Piscoya Quevedo, Planning and Outreach Coordinator of IAPG-Peru.
IAPG-Peru conference
6 April 2016
Yaounde (Cameroon)
“Monday Show” television program broadcast through the Cameroon Radio & Television (CRTV) station at Mballa 2
The program takes place live every Mondays, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, and it is rebroadcast every Tuesdays between 10:00 am and 11:00 am. The one hour program that is broadcast strictly in English language, seeks to promote and showcase Cameroon’s culture, talents, urban and grassroots development initiatives. On 28 March 2016, the coordinator of IAPG-Cameroon section, Ndzishepngong Kelvin Ngwang, participates on “Monday Show” as special guest. During his discussion Kelvin introduces the IAPG and its mission, talks about the meaning of geoethics and about a project on climate change for young people co-sponsored by the Captain Planet Foundation and The Pollination project. This is the first time such a sensitization on geoethics takes place on the State media in Cameroon.
IAPG-Cameroon on TV
28 March 2016
19-21 March 2016
Day of Earth Sciences in Africa and the Middle East
Theme: Geoethics, Geoheritage, Georesources & Geoenvironment
The African Association of Women in Geosciences and the African Geoparks Network proclaim the 20th March as a “Day of Earth Sciences in Africa and Middle East, DESAME”. The day aims to increase the awareness about the role that earth scientists could play to help to build a peaceful, healthier and wealthier continent. First celebrated in 2013, DESAME is being celebrated in 2016.
The IAPG is partner of this event.
Joint events AAWG-AGN-IAPG in Morocco for DESAME 2016
17, 19 and 21 March 2016
Activities take place at the Université Chouaib Doukkali (El Jadida). In particular: On 17 March 2016, from 16:00 to 18:00, conference of Ezzoura Errami, President of the African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG), and Continental Coordinator for Africa of the International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG). Ezzoura Errami gives a speech titled: “Earth Sciences serving society”. On 21 March 2016, conference of Boumediene Tanouti, past President of the Université Chouaib Doukkali – El Jadida. He gives a speech titled: “Science and Ethics: a conflictual relationship”, followed by a debate about the creation of a reflection group on Geoethics, as a joint initiative AAWG, IAPG and AGN (African Geoparks Network).
IAPG-DR Congo for DESAME 2016
20 March 2016
Bukavu (Democratic Republic of Congo), from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Hotel Nard on Emery Avenue Patrice Lumumba in Nguba.
This event is organized by the IAPG-DR Congo, YES-DR Congo, DR Congo AAWG-section, in collaboration with StrongWomen DRC, and a workshop will take place, focused on the following themes: 1) Earth Sciences and Climate Change in South Kivu: Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives; 2) Earth Sciences as a bridge between young and senior citizens in order to strengthen peace and coexistence of peoples; 3) The Congolese women and the natural resources management.
For any one who has a presentation or communication about the themes above, please, kindly contact our IAPG-DR Congo coordinator, Jean Robert Mweze (phone number: +243994202800), and/or send a title and a summary of the presentation at: nshokano@gmail.com, kalikchrist@gmail.com, ilombeg@gmail.com. IAPG-DR Congo has already organized events for DESAME 2014 and 2015.
2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM)
New Orleans, Lousiana (USA)
#9330: Ethical principles and practices in the Ocean Sciences
Convenership: Elizabeth S. Gordon and Cindy M. Palinkas
Session description: Geoethics is an interdisciplinary study that encompasses professional ethics and scientific integrity, stewardship, and risk communication. As such, Geoethics provides a valuable framework for exploring our ethical obligations as ocean scientists in a variety of settings. As scholars and experts, we have an obligation to not only conduct research responsibly but also to inform society of potential marine resources and hazards. For example, ocean scientists are uniquely suited to address such issues as tsunami warnings, overfishing, iron fertilization, and ocean pollution, informing science-based management and policy decisions. As educators, we also have an obligation to train our students in ethical practices and principles. The goal of this session is to discuss these obligations through presentations that highlight case studies at the interface of marine science and ethics, as well as educational strategies for incorporating Geoethics into undergraduate and graduate curricula.
21-26 February 2016
2016 OSM

25 February 2016
South Texas Geological Society meeting
Keynote speech by Vincent Cronin (IAPG-USA co-coordinator) at the South Texas Geological Society meeting at the Petroleum Club of San Antonio, titled "How and what should we teach novice geoscientists about geoethics?"
San Antonio, Texas (USA)
18 February 2016
Meeting: nANO meets water VII
Fraunhofer Institut für Umwelt-, Sichertheit- und Energietechnik, German Fraunhofer-Society for applied research
Oberhausen (Germany)
IAPG keynote speech by Martin Bohle (IAPG Corresponding Citizen Scientist) titled: Geoethik: Richtschnur für’s Anthropozän (Geoethics: Guidance in the Anthropocene).
18-22 January 2016
69th IUGS Executive Committee Meeting
Kunming (China)
IAPG attends the meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences.
The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015
San Francisco, California (USA)
The IAPG promotes the session on Geoethics: ED13E. Geoethics and Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Geoscience Classes
Convenership: Dexter Perkins (University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, United States), Vincent S Cronin (Baylor University, Geology, Waco, TX, United States and IAPG-USA co-coordinator) and David W. Mogk (Montana State Univ, Bozeman, MT, United States and IAPG Corresponding Citizen Scientist).
Session description: Ethical thinking and critical thinking are two intertwined skills that should be taught in all geoscience and engineering programs. These highly necessary skills will serve our students and society well, regardless of what students do after college. Yet, for the most part, ethics and critical thinking are only indirectly addressed in geocurricula. Furthermore, few faculty have the requisite training or resources to effectively teach these topics. So, department/programs need to be more intentional and there is great need for resources to support instruction. We invite researchers, educators, lifelong learners, and practitioners to submit papers that address the importance of teaching these skills, how they can be built into geocurricula and, perhaps most important, to share practical ideas and materials that can be used in our classrooms.
The IAPG members are actively involved also in other sessions. For more information about the participation of the IAPG to the AGU Fall Meeting 2015, click here.
AGU Fall Meeting 2015
14-18 December 2015

28 November 2015 (10:05)
Geoethics and the IAPG in the German Radio (SWR2)
Endgültig freigesprochen: Das Erdbeben von L'Aquila und die ethische Verantwortung der Geowissenschaftler. Gespräch mit Silvia Peppoloni, International Association for Promoting Geoethics, Rom.
(Finally acquitted: The L'Aquila earthquake and the ethical responsibility of geoscientists. Interview with Silvia Peppoloni, International Association for Promoting Geoethics, Rome).
Redaktion / Moderation: Gabor Paal
Audio (mp3) (in German)
28 November 2015
IAPG-Egypt workshop on Geoethics and Geoeducation
The IAPG-Egypt (coordinator: Kholoud Mohamed Abdelmaksoud) organizes a workshop on Geoethics and Geoeducation.
This event takes place on Saturday 28 November (11:00 am) at the Cairo University, in the Institute of African Research and Studies.
The workshop is open to post-graduated students of different disciplines.
Cairo (Egypt)
The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2015
Baltimora, Maryland (USA)
The IAPG organizes the session: T72. Ethics of Geoscience in Practice and Application
Conveners: Cindy Palinkas and Vincent S. Cronin (IAPG-USA)
Sunday, 1 November 2015: 1:30 PM-5:30 PM, Room 337 (Baltimore Convention Center)
Session description: Geoscientists have ethical obligations in conducting research, informing society of geo-resources and hazards, and student training. This session aims to discuss these obligations through presentation of research results and needs, case studies, and educational strategies.
GSA Annual Meeting 2015
1-4 November 2015

14-16 October 2015
Foro Internacional sobre Gestión del Riesgo Geológico
International Forum on Geological Risk Management
Arequipa (Peru), Centro de Convenciones del Colegio de Abogados Av. Alfonso Ugarte s/n.
The Forum is organized by the INGEMMET – Peruvian Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute. The aim of this event is to have together a group of senior experts so they publicize their ongoing works and the methodologies that are currently being applied in management of geological risk in order to spread their knowledge and reduce future disasters. During the event different experts will describe their scientific research and experiences, classified into 4 thematic sessions:
• Geoscientific research.
• Prevention and Risk Reduction.
• Preparation, response and rehabilitation.
• Reconstruction.
Furthermore, the First Meeting of Volcanic Observatories of Latin America is held as part of the Forum.
4 specialized pre and post Forum courses are organized, taking advantage of the presence of international experts in Arequipa.
Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) gives a Lectio Magistralis titled: "Geoethics: a framework for the management of the geosphere and georisks".
The IAPG-Peru patronizes the Forum.
- Flyer
12 October 2015
First Colloquium on Geoethics in Peru
1er Coloquio sobre Geoética en Perú
Lima (Peru)
The SGP - Peruvian Geological Society (Sociedad Geologica del Perù) and the IAPG-Peru organize the “First Colloquium on Geoethics in Peru”. The Colloquium takes place in the SGA social center (28 de Julio Av. 745, Miraflores, Lima).
This event, patronized by the IGEMMET - Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico, aims to promote discussion on ethics in the work of geologists, explaining specific cases, procedures that can be applied, values of reference.
8 October 2015
Annual Ethics Luncheon of the West Texas Geological Society
Keynote speech by Vincent Cronin (IAPG-USA co-coordinator) at the Midland Petroleum Club, titled "How and what should we teach novice geoscientists about geoethics?"
Midland, Texas (USA)
- Abstract (pdf file)
- Presentation text and illustrations (pdf file)
- Download slides (pptx version)
26-28 June 2015
Primera Feria Internacional de Minerales en el Perú
Lima (Peru)
The IAPG co-organizes the event in collaboration with the Geological Society of Peru and the Peruvian Chapter of the YES Network.
- Download the Report (Spanish version)
15-16 June 2015
First conference of the AAWGN
First conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences Nigeria titled "Harnessing Modern Technology and Innovation for Mineral Exploration in Nigeria"
Abuja (Nigeria)
Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) gives a video-lecture titled "Geoethics and the IAPG network".
31 May-3 June 2015
4th World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI)
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
The IAPG presents two papers:
1) Geoethics and the debate on research integrity in geosciences (by Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and International Association for Promoting Geoethics, Italy).
2) Principles of geoethics and research integrity applied to the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory (EMSO), a large-scale European environmental research infrastructure (by Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and International Association for Promoting Geoethics, Italy; Laura Beranzoli, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy).
11 May 2015 (9:15)
Geoethics and the IAPG in the Austrian Radio (ORF1)
Austrian Radio (ORF1) program on Geoethics: "Dimensionen - die Welt der Wissenschaft: Was soll ich tun - global gesehen? Die Ethik in den Geowissenschaften" ("Dimensions - the world of science: What should I do - a global perspective? The Ethics in the geosciences"), by Wolfgang Däuble.
In the Radio program interviews to IAPG members: Silvia Peppoloni, Stefano Tinti, David Mogk, Martin Bohle, Megumi Sugimoto.
Website (in German)
Montreal (Canada)
The IAPG organizes a symposium and a workshop:
Session ED42A "How Do We Build a Healthy Geoscience Community That Better Serves Society?"
Workshop: Teaching Geoethics in Undergraduate Science Programs
- Information on the workshop and symposium in the IAPG Blog
- A report on the IAPG workshop and symposium by Vincent Cronin and Anne-Marie Ryan in the IAPG Blog
3-7 May 2015
AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly 2015

Vienna (Austria)
EGU European Geoscience Union
The IAPG organizes the Session EOS8 "Geoethics for society: general aspects and case studies in geosciences".
15 April 2015: 13:30–17:00/Room R12 (Orals); Posters attendance 17:30–19:00/Red Posters area (Posters).
EGU General Assembly 2015
12-17 April 2015

24-25 March 2015
38th EGS General Meeting
Brussels (Belgium)
38th General Meeting and Directors Workshop of the EGS - EuroGeoSurveys.
The IAPG attends the meeting and gives a speech on Geoethics and the IAPG network.
During the meeting IAPG and EGS sign an Agreement of Cooperation.
26-29 January 2015
68th IUGS Executive Committee Meeting
Vancouver (Canada)
IAPG attends the meeting of the IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences and presents its annual activities report.
San Francisco, California (USA)
Session ED23D: Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum Posters
Session ID#: 2751, Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 1:40 PM-6:00 PM
Posters titles, abstracts and authors
The IAPG attends the the Poster Session ED23D: Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum. The session is organized by colleagues of the section IAPG-USA: David Mogk (Montana State University, USA) and John Geissman (University of Texas at Dallas, USA). Another IAPG poster is presented in the Session ED31C: Solutions and Strategies for Fostering GeoEthics and Enhancing the Geosciences Section.
AGU Fall Meeting 2014
15-19 December 2014

26 October 2014 (17:00)
Festival della Scienza di Genova (Genova Science Festival)
Genova (Italy)
Conference "Which risks are you willing to take? A dialogue between nature, reason and technology", a debate between a geologist (Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General) and a philosopher (Simona Morini, University of Venice, Italy). Moderator the science journalist Rossella Panarese (RAI-Italian Radio Television). Introduction by Manuela Arata (President of the Genova Science Festival).
The IAPG-Italy patronizes this event.
Description (in Italian)
Vancouver (Canada)
Geological Society of America - Annual Meeting
Session 265 "Geoscience Education: Research and Practice".
IAPG gives an oral presentation on Wednesday, 22 October 2014 titled "Geoethics: building an ethical framework of reference for research and practice in geosciences" (authors: Silvia Peppoloni, Giuseppe Di Capua, Peter Bobrowsky and Vincent Cronin): download the slides of the oral presentation.
Susan Kieffer (IAPG Vice-President) awarded the Penrose Medal from the Geological Society of America.
GSA Annual Meeting 2014
19-22 October 2014

9-12 October 2014
ICGAME2 - 2nd International Conference on Geoparks in Africa and Middle East
15-19 September 2014
XII International IAEG Congress (50th anniversary)
Torino (Italy)
International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) - XII International Congress
IAPG Session 7.3 "Geoethics and natural hazards: communication, education and the science-policy-practice interface"
17th September: orals session in the Room "Dublino", from 8:40 to 10:10; poster session from 16:05.
Related Publication: Lollino Giorgio, Arattano Massimo, Giardino Marco, Oliveira Ricardo, Peppoloni Silvia (Eds.). Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7, Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology. Set: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. 2014, XVII, 274 p., Springer, ISBN: 978-3319093024 (Print) 978-3319093031 (Online).
10-13 June 2014
International Workshop "Teaching GeoEthics Across the Geoscience Curriculum"
Chico Hot Springs, Pray, Montana (USA)
The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC)
This workshop is funded through the National Science Foundation Ethics Education in Science and Engineering (EESE) program, grant number NSF 11-1338741. This workshop is also co-sponsored by the On the Cutting Edge program for geoscience faculty development (NSF TUES Phase III), and the InTeGrate–Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future program (NSF-STEP).
IAPG Keynote speech "Foundations of Geoethics" by Silvia Peppoloni (listen to the presentation MP3 Audio 28.6MB, Jun 10 2014)
29 May 2014
EFG Workshop 2014 "Geologists of Europe in the 3rd millenium"
Palermo (Italy)
European Federation of Geologists' Workshop: "Geologists of Europe in the 3rd millennium" and EFG Summer Council Meeting
IAPG oral presentation: "Geoethics: themes, goals and ongoing initiatives" by Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua
Download the program
OTC - Offshore Technology Conference 2014
Houston, Texas (USA)
OTC - Offshore Technology Conference (the world’s foremost event for the development of offshore resources in the fields of drilling, exploration, production, and environmental protection).
Ethics Breakfast: IAPG Lecture "Geoethics: A Way of Thinking and Practicing Geosciences" by Salvatore Barba, Mauro Buttinelli and Silvia Peppoloni.
5 May 2014

Vienna (Austria)
EGU European Geoscience Union
IAPG organizes the Session:
Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Susan Kieffer, Eduardo Marone, Yuriy Kostyuchenko, Joel Gill
Oral presentations: Tuesday 29 April 2014, 10:30-12:00; 13:30-15:00; 15:30-17:00 (Room G6)
Poster Summaries & Discussions (oral presentation of posters): Session PSD22.13, Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 08:30-09:15 (Room R5)
Display Time for the posters session: Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 08:00-19:30
Attendance Time for posters: Tuesday, 29 April 2014, 17:30-19:00
EGU General Assembly 2014
27 April-2 May 2014

26 October 2013
Genova Science Festival 2013
Genova (Italy)
Conference "Geoethics"
IAPG-Italy organizes a debate between a geologist (Silvia Peppoloni, IAPG Secretary General) and a science philosopher (Telmo Pievani)
Description of this event (in Italian)
Pisa (Italy)
Geoitalia 2013 - IX Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra (Italian Forum on Earth Sciences)
IAPG-Italy organizes the Session L2 "Geoethics and Society: Geosciences serving the public" (Theme "Geopolicy").
Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua (IAPG-Italy)
Session description: The Italian territory is characterized by a geological heritage of extraordinary richness. At the same time, it is subjected to unceasing evolutionary dynamics and natural phenomena with great hazards. Those who live in this territory expect answers from science, alternating trust with mistrust or in some cases with an attitude of proverbial fatalism. Geologists are called to play a fundamental role in society, since their activities have obvious ethical implications. To them are entrusted the tasks of safeguarding the geodiversity and enhancing the geological heritage and culture, of studying and managing natural hazards, of informing the population about natural risks, and of controlling that the exploitation of geo-resources takes place in an eco-friendly and socio-friendly manner. But are geologists aware of these responsibilities? What measures should be taken to enable them to fully assume the commitment to serve society? The session aims to widen the debate on these issues, through the contributions of Italian and international speakers, having skills and experience in different fields. Geologists, philosophers of science, journalists and politicians, each from their own point of view, will be able to compare their ideas on the common plane of geoethics, to offer an effective response to the needs of society.
IAPG-Italy organizes the Round Table "Geoethics", chaired by Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General)
17 September 2013 (10:00-11:30)
16-18 September 2013

5-8 May 2013
3rd WCRI 2013
Montréal (Canada)
3rd World Conference on Research Integrity
Silvia Peppoloni (IAPG Secretary General) gives an oral presention titled "Geoethics: A challenge for research integrity in geosciences", in the Session 25 "Research Integrity in Contentious Policy Areas".
Video of the IAPG presentation
Vienna (Austria)
EGU European Geoscience Union
IAPG organizes the Session:
Convenership: Silvia Peppoloni, Susan Kieffer, Elizabeth Silva, Janusz Wasowski, Meng Wang
Oral presentations: Tuesday 9 April 2013, 08:30-12:00 (Room G7)
Posters session: Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 17:30-19:00 (Blue Posters)
Webinar "Geoethical implications in the L'Aquila earthquake case" (external link)
EGU General Assembly 2013
7-12 April 2013

19-21 March 2013
Day for Earth Sciences in Africa and the Middle East
by African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG) and the African Geoparks Network (AGN).
IAPG is partner of this initiative.